Curriculum>Grade 1> Module 6>Topic C: Coins and Their Values
Identify whether a coin name matches the image shown. Match a penny, dime, and nickel with its name and value
A. Identify a penny and its value
B. Identify a dime and its value
C. Match a penny or dime to its name, appearance, and value
D. Identify the total value of a collection of dimes and pennies
E. Exchange between one dime and ten pennies
F. Identify a nickel and its value
H. Match a penny, nickel, or dime to its name, appearance, and value (Part 2)
I. Identify a penny, nickel, or dime based on color or size
J. Exchange between pennies, nickels, and dimes
K. Show a given total using nickels and pennies
L. Identify a quarter and its value
M. Pretest. Sums and Differences Within 100