Curriculum>Grade 5> Module 1>Topic D: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Learn how to add two decimal numbers (to the thousandths place). Represent each number with a model of disks for each place value. Then, combine the like place value disks of the two numbers to arrive at the sum
A. Add numbers to the hundredths place with regrouping using a disk model
C. Add numbers to the thousandths place with regrouping using column addition and a disk model
D. Add numbers to the thousandths place with regrouping using column addition
E. Subtract numbers to the hundredths place with regrouping using a disk model
F. Subtract numbers to the thousandths place with regrouping using a disk model
G. Subtract numbers to the thousandths place with regrouping using column subtraction and a disk model
H. Subtract numbers of different lengths to the thousandths place with regrouping using column subtraction and a disk model
I. Subtract numbers to the thousandths place with regrouping using column subtraction