Curriculum>Grade 2> Module 1>Topic B: Initiating Fluency with Addition and Subtraction Within 100
Students subtract a single-digit number from a 2-digit number, crossing a ten. They use number bonds and base-10 block models to practice the strategy of making 10, then subtracting the remainder to solve
A. Identify the connection between a number bond and a fact family
B. Complete number bonds
C. Use a number bond to make 10
D. Use number bonds to solve related addition and subtraction equations
E. Use number bonds to solve addition equations that cross a ten
F. Solve addition equations that cross a ten, where one addend is 9
G. Solve more addition equations that cross a ten, where one addend is 8
H. Solve more addition equations that cross a ten, where one addend is 7
I. Find the missing subtrahend in subtraction equations
J. Use number bonds to make 10 and solve subtraction equations
K. Solve subtraction equations that cross a ten (Level 1)
L. Solve subtraction equations that cross a ten (Level 2)
M. Build fluency solving subtraction equations that cross a ten
N. Subtract single-digit numbers from a tens number, using base-10 blocks for support
P. Use number bonds to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number, crossing a ten
Q. Build fluency solving subtraction equations that cross a tens number
R. Build fluency solving subtraction equations with a 1- and 2-digit number