Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 2>Topic A: Finding Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle
Find both the area and the perimeter of the same rectangles using the formulas A = l x w and P = 2 x (l + w)
A. Determine the area of a rectangle by multiplying the lengths of its sides
B. Identify the formula for area of a rectangle and use it to solve a problem
C. Determine the area of a rectangle using the formula A = l x w
D. Determine the side length of a rectangle based on its area and width using the formula
E. Identify the formula for perimeter of a rectangle and use it to solve a problem
F. Identify the formula for perimeter of a rectangle
G. Determine the perimeter of a rectangle using the formula P = 2 x (l + w)
I. Pretest. Multiplication and Division by 10, 100, and 1,000