Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 2>Topic C: Multiplication of up to Four Digits by Single-Digit Numbers
Multiply 2- and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Rewrite the larger factor in expanded form, break the rectangle into smaller rectangles, and use the distributive property to find the area of each smaller piece. Add the results to find the total area
A. Solve a multiplication equation using partial products with and without a disk model
B. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using partial products with and without a disk model
C. Solve a multiplication equation including a zero using partial products with and without a disk model
D. Solve a multiplication equation using the standard algorithm with and without a disk model
E. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm using a disk model
F. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 1)
G. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 2)
H. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 3)
I. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 4)
J. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping while identifying steps of the standard algorithm
K. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 5)
L. Solve a single multiplication equation using both partial products and the standard algorithm
N. Multiply to find the area of a rectangle using partial products (Level 1)
O. Multiply to find the area of a rectangle using partial products (Level 2)