Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 2>Topic C: Multiplication of up to Four Digits by Single-Digit Numbers
Multiply four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers using an area model, and then connect the area model to the partial products method
A. Solve a multiplication equation using partial products with and without a disk model
B. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using partial products with and without a disk model
C. Solve a multiplication equation including a zero using partial products with and without a disk model
D. Solve a multiplication equation using the standard algorithm with and without a disk model
E. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm using a disk model
F. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 1)
G. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 2)
H. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 3)
I. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 4)
J. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping while identifying steps of the standard algorithm
K. Solve a multiplication equation with regrouping using the standard algorithm (Level 5)
L. Solve a single multiplication equation using both partial products and the standard algorithm
M. Multiply to find the area of a rectangle
N. Multiply to find the area of a rectangle using partial products (Level 1)