Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 2>Topic D: Division of Tens and Ones with Successive Remainders
Divide using the concept of multiples. If the dividend isn't a multiple of the divisor, use the multiple of the divisor that is closest to but less than the dividend and then find the remainder
A. Solve a division problem (number in each group) with a remainder based on a model
B. Solve a division problem (number of groups) with a remainder based on a model
C. Solve a division problem (number in each group) with a remainder using an array model
D. Solve a division problem (number of groups) with a remainder using an array model
E. Multiply to find multiples of a given number
F. List and identify multiples of a given number
H. Model division (number in each group) with a remainder using a tape diagram
I. Model division (number of groups) with a remainder using a tape diagram
J. Solve a division problem with a remainder using the closest multiplication fact
K. Solve a division problem with a remainder
L. Solve a division word problem (number of groups) with a remainder using a tape diagram and an equation
M. Solve a division word problem (number in each group) with a remainder using a tape diagram and an equation
N. Model and solve a division problem, and identify the divisor
O. Model and solve a division problem using long division (single-digit quotient)
P. Solve a division problem (number in each group) with a remainder using a disk model
Q. Model and solve a division problem using long division (two-digit quotient)
R. Model and solve a division problem that involves regrouping
S. Model and solve a division problem that involves regrouping using long division (two-digit quotient)
T. Model and solve a division problem that involves regrouping using long division (two-digit quotient) (Level 2)
U. Model and solve a division problem using long division by recording partial quotients
V. Use long division to solve problems with a 2-digit quotient