Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 5>Topic A: Exploration of Tenths
Write mixed numbers that have the fraction in tenths as decimals, and write decimals in tenths as mixed numbers. For the final problems, write the value in unit form as well
A. Relate fractions in tenths to decimals with and without a number line
B. Rewrite a fraction in tenths as a decimal, and vice versa
C. Match fractions in tenths to their decimal form and word form
D. Determine how many more tenths to make a whole using a number line
E. Represent mixed numbers in decimal form using a number line
G. Convert between fraction form, decimal form, and word form with mixed numbers with tenths
H. Determine how many more tenths to make the next whole using a number line
I. Record a fraction model as a mixed number or a decimal with tenths
J. Relate tenths to one whole using a place value chart
K. Represent numbers greater than 10 tenths in decimal form