Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 5>Topic A: Exploration of Tenths
Make the connection between a fraction model showing tenths, the decimal representation, and the mixed number or fraction representation
A. Relate fractions in tenths to decimals with and without a number line
B. Rewrite a fraction in tenths as a decimal, and vice versa
C. Match fractions in tenths to their decimal form and word form
D. Determine how many more tenths to make a whole using a number line
E. Represent mixed numbers in decimal form using a number line
F. Rewrite a mixed number with tenths as a decimal, and vice versa
G. Convert between fraction form, decimal form, and word form with mixed numbers with tenths
H. Determine how many more tenths to make the next whole using a number line
J. Relate tenths to one whole using a place value chart
K. Represent numbers greater than 10 tenths in decimal form