Curriculum>Grade 5> Module 2>Topic C: Decimal Multi-Digit Multiplication
Learn how to multiply a 3-digit decimal by a 2-digit whole number by using the related multiplication of two whole numbers. Multiply the decimal by 100, then use the standard algorithm to find product of the whole numbers. Convert the whole number product
A. Multiply a 2-digit decimal number by a 2-digit whole number using partial products with an area model
B. Multiply a 2-digit decimal number by a 2-digit whole number using the standard algorithm (Level 1)
D. Multiply a 2- or 3-digit decimal number by a 2-digit whole number using the standard algorithm (Level 2)
E. Multiply a 2- or 3-digit decimal number by a 2-digit whole number using the standard algorithm (Level 3)
F. Multiply a decimal number by a round number by factoring out powers of 10
G. Multiply a decimal number by a round number
H. Round a multi-digit number to a given place (Level 2)
I. Round a multi-digit number to a given place (Level 1)
J. Estimate the product of a decimal number and a 3-digit whole number (Part 1)
K. Estimate the product of a decimal number and a 3-digit whole number (Part 2)
L. Estimate the product of a decimal number and a 3-digit whole number then solve using the standard algorithm