Curriculum>Grade 5> Module 2>Topic F: Partial Quotients and Multi-Digit Decimal Division
Practice long division of a decimal number divided by a 2-digit whole number. At each step, you can choose to fill in the quotient or to be guided through the estimate of the quotient. Column multiplication and subtraction can be used, if necessary
A. Rename decimal numbers in unit form
B. Rename a number in unit form as a decimal number
C. Rename a whole number in unit form and decimal form
D. Divide a decimal by a whole number (with and without using unit form)
E. Divide a decimal number by 10 or 100
F. Divide a decimal number by a multiple of 10 or 100
G. Estimate the quotient of a decimal number divided by a 2-digit number (Level 1)
H. Estimate the quotient of a decimal number divided by a 2-digit number (Level 2)
I. Solve long division to the tenths place
J. Solve long division to the hundredths place
K. Solve long division of a decimal number (Level 1)
L. Solve long division of a decimal number (Level 2)
N. Use long division to solve a word problem with a decimal quotient
O. Use long division to solve area problems with a decimal quotient