Curriculum>Kindergarten> Module 5>Topic A: Count 10 Ones and Some Ones
Students count out 10 cubes and any remaining cubes. Then, students identify the numbers 11 and 12
A. Count objects and learn the concept of a ten-frame
B. Learn the numbers 10-12 using a ten-frame and additional objects
D. Use a number line and practice the numbers 11 and 12
E. Learn the numbers 13, 14, and 15 using ten-frames and remaining objects
F. Count and identify the numbers 13 through 15 using cubes and ten rods
G. Identify numbers on a number line and reinforce knowledge of numerals 1-15
H. Learn the numbers 16, 17, 18, and 19 using ten-frames and remaining objects
I. Learn the number 20
J. Use a number line to fill in missing numbers, especially focusing on numbers 10-20
K. Form 2-digit numbers within 20 using ten rods and additional cubes
L. Count to 2-digit numbers within 20 using partially filled ten frames and additional dots