Curriculum>Kindergarten> Module 5>Topic A: Count 10 Ones and Some Ones
Students practice matching numerals 13, 14 and 15 to the number name with a number line visualization. Then, students reinforce number knowledge by hearing a number between 1 and 15, and then typing the correct numeral
A. Count objects and learn the concept of a ten-frame
B. Learn the numbers 10-12 using a ten-frame and additional objects
C. Use cubes and ten-rods to count to 11 and 12
D. Use a number line and practice the numbers 11 and 12
E. Learn the numbers 13, 14, and 15 using ten-frames and remaining objects
F. Count and identify the numbers 13 through 15 using cubes and ten rods
H. Learn the numbers 16, 17, 18, and 19 using ten-frames and remaining objects
I. Learn the number 20
J. Use a number line to fill in missing numbers, especially focusing on numbers 10-20
K. Form 2-digit numbers within 20 using ten rods and additional cubes
L. Count to 2-digit numbers within 20 using partially filled ten frames and additional dots