Curriculum>Grade 1> Module 2>Topic B: Counting On or Taking from Ten to Solve Result Unknown and Total Unknown Problems
First, students will count on from 10 to represent numbers between 11-19. Given a representation of 11-19 as a full ten frame and some remaining objects, remove the remaining objects to model subtracting a number to make 10
A. Solve subtraction problems taking from 10
C. Subtract the digit in the ones place from numbers 11-19 to make 10
D. Find the unknown number in subtraction problems to make 10
E. Solve subtraction problems beginning with a number from 11-15 and crossing 10
F. Use the strategy of making 10 to solve subtraction equations
G. Introduce subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks
H. Model subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks and knowledge of number bonds
I. More practice subtracting across 10 with base-ten blocks
J. Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use two equations to solve
K. Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use one equation to solve
L. Solve subtraction equations by using the strategy of making 10
M. Solve subtraction equations that cross 10