Curriculum for Grade 1

Students look under the hood of addition and subtraction, applying place value understanding to 2-digit operations.

MODULE 1. Sums and Differences to 10

Topic A: Embedded Numbers and Decompositions

Students learn addition to 5 using concrete objects, abstract objects and equations. They learn the meaning and proper use of + and = signs, as well as the terms "addend" and "sum."

Topic B: Counting On from Embedded Numbers

Students learn addition to 10 using concrete objects, abstract objects, equations and number bonds. They solve for missing addend problems and begin to represent and solve word problems.

Add 0 to a number

Students add zero to a single-digit number. They solve equations in which zero is the first addend and when it is the second addend
Add 0 to a number

Use the + sign in an equation and find the sum

Students add single-digit numbers as represented by colored cubes. They choose the + sign to complete an equation and determine the sum
Use the + sign in an equation and find the sum

Model and solve an addition equation

Students use colored cubes to represent the addends in an equation and then determine the sum
Model and solve an addition equation

Record an addition equation based on a model to show more than one way to reach a given sum

Students write an addition equation to match a given model of cubes. They repeat this skill with another equation with the same sum and observe that there is more than one way to show that sum
Record an addition equation based on a model to show more than one way to reach a given sum

Show more than one way to reach a given sum

Students write an addition equation to match a given model of cubes. Then they create another cube model with the same sum and record the equation, observing that there is more than one way to show that sum
Show more than one way to reach a given sum

Solve an addition equation (totals to 7)

Students determine the sum for addition equations with two addends and totals to 7
Solve an addition equation (totals to 7)

Identify parts of an addition equation

Given an addition equation, students identify the first addend, second addend, plus sign and sum
Identify parts of an addition equation

Record an addition equation based on a model and create a model to show more than one way to reach a given sum

Students write an addition equation to match a given model of cubes. Then they create another cube model with the same sum and record the equation, observing that there is more than one way to show that sum
Record an addition equation based on a model and create a model to show more than one way to reach a given sum

Solve addition equations to 10 with or without a model

Students choose whether or not to view a cube model in order to solve addition equations to 10 and then solve
Solve addition equations to 10 with or without a model

Solve an addition equation (totals to 10)

Students determine the sum for addition equations with two addends and totals to 10
Solve an addition equation (totals to 10)

Model and solve an addition word problem with objects

Students write and solve an addition equation based on colored objects. They then use objects as directed to model an addition scenario, write it as an equation, and solve for the total period
Model and solve an addition word problem with objects

Model and solve an addition word problem with cubes

Students use cubes to model an addition scenario, write it as an equation, and solve for the total
Model and solve an addition word problem with cubes

Write and solve an addition equation based on a word problem

Students write an equation based on an addition scenario and solve it
Write and solve an addition equation based on a word problem

Determine the missing addend based on a model of cubes

Students determine the missing second addend in an equation based on colored cubes. First, hints direct them to the part of the model to find the answer. Then, students solve without the hint
Determine the missing addend based on a model of cubes

Determine the missing addend based on a cubes model

Students determine the missing second addend in an equation based on a cubes model. First, hints direct them to the part of the model to find the answer. Then, students solve without the hint
Determine the missing addend based on a cubes model

Counting on with cube models

Students will use cubes to count on from a given number. Students will use the models to solve for the missing addend in an equation. Then, students will solve without models
Counting on with cube models

Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 1)

Students determine the missing second addend in an equation
Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 1)

Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 2)

Students select the missing addend from a group of numbers to make an equation true
Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 2)

Use a cube model to determine the missing addend

Students use cubes to solve for the missing addend in an equation; students count on from the initial addend until they reach the given sum
Use a cube model to determine the missing addend

Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 3)

Students identify the missing addend from equations without additional support. Students learn that if zero is an addend, then the sum is equal to the other addend
Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 3)

Determine the missing addend in an equation

Students practice solving for the missing second addend in an addition equation
Determine the missing addend in an equation

Choose two addends to reach a given total

Students determine the missing second addend in an equation, choosing whether to solve immediately or model with cubes. They identify which of two equations is true. Students then choose two addends to reach a given total
Choose two addends to reach a given total

Solve missing addend addition equations

Students determine the missing second addend in an equation
Solve missing addend addition equations

Identify addends with a sum of 10

Students identify which of two addition sentences with sums to 10 is correct. They identify pairs of addends that have a sum of 10
Identify addends with a sum of 10

Identify a number bond

Students determine the total number of objects and then its two addends based on color. They drag these values into a number bond. Students then identify a number bond among three images
Identify a number bond

Build a number bond based on a model of cubes

Students build a number bond based on a model of colored cubes and then write it as an addition equation. Then, students write the equation first, based on the model of cubes, and build the number bond
Build a number bond based on a model of cubes

Build a number bond based on a model of cubes and complete its addition equation

Based on a model of colored cubes, students complete the missing addend in a number bond and its related addition equation. Then, they complete the entire number bond based on a model of cubes
Build a number bond based on a model of cubes and complete its addition equation

Build a model, number bond, and equation

Students create a two-color model of circles. They build a number bond based on the model and determine a missing addend or sum in its related equation
Build a model, number bond, and equation

Complete a number bond

Students determine the missing addend in a number bond. Then, they determine two addends that complete a number bond with a given total
Complete a number bond

Complete a number bond to show more than one way to reach a given total

Students determine two addends that complete a number bond with a given total. Then, they determine two different addends to complete a number bond with that same total
Complete a number bond to show more than one way to reach a given total

Determine the missing addend in a number bond

Students identify the missing addend in a number bond for multiple number bonds with the same total
Determine the missing addend in a number bond

Topic C: Development of Addition Fluency Within 10

Students reinforce their understanding of addition within 10 and its underlying concepts as they build more efficient strategies to solve problems. They use addition scenarios with objects, base-10 block patterns, the number line, and equations to reinforce the relationships among fact families. They build upon existing knowledge of composition of numbers 6-10 as they move from the concrete to the abstract.

Identify a missing addend in equations with a sum and their turnaround facts

Calculate a missing addend in equations that sum to a maximum value of 10 with visual support. Also calculate a missing addend in equations that sum to maximum value of 10 using turnaround facts, or switching addends that sum to a maximum value of 10
Identify a missing addend in equations with a sum and their turnaround facts

Record a model of base-10 blocks as an addition equation

Use base 10 blocks and/or turnaround facts to complete an addition equation. These equations will sum to 10 each time
Record a model of base-10 blocks as an addition equation

Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 4, 5, 6 and 7

Identify a missing addend in equations that sum to 4,5,6, or 7. Students will also use turnaround facts to identify mssing addends
Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 4, 5, 6 and 7

Solve for a missing addend in an equation

Solve for a missing addend in an equation. Students will use an interactive game to help guide them through solving for the missing addends
Solve for a missing addend in an equation

Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 6, 7, 8 and 9

Identify a missing addend in equations that sum to 6,7,8, or 9. Students will also use turnaround facts to identify mssing addends
Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 6, 7, 8 and 9

Choose the correct sum for an addition expression

Choose from a selection of two answers for each numerical expression they are given. Each numerical expression sums to one of the two answers
Choose the correct sum for an addition expression

Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 9 and 10

Identify a missing addend in equations that sum to 9 or 10. Students will also use turnaround facts to identify mssing addends
Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 9 and 10

Topic D: The Commutative Property of Addition and the Equal Sign

Students learn about the commutative property of addition by comparing addition expressions with the same addends, but in a different order. In addition, students practice making expressions equal to each other by filling in the missing addend. Finally, students are introduced to the equal sign as a way to show that two expressions are equal or the same.

Solve simple addition equations and observe that changing the order of the addends doesn't change the sum

Using visuals, students count and add objects. Then, the objects switch places to show that the sum is the same. Next, students solve addition problems using numbers only and notice that changing the order of the addends doesn't change the sum
Solve simple addition equations and observe that changing the order of the addends doesn't change the sum

Explore expressions and reinforce the commutative property of addition

Students learn what an expression is. Then, students match expressions with the same sum, even though the order of the addends is switched
Explore expressions and reinforce the commutative property of addition

Make equal expressions and solve equations with the same addends in a different order

Students practice filling in the blank in an expression to make it equal to another expression. Then, students practice solving addition equations that share the same addends and sums
Make equal expressions and solve equations with the same addends in a different order

Identify and create equal and non equal addition expressions

Students solve equations with the same sum but different addends. Then, students solve equations to see if they are equal or not. Students practice algebraic thinking by filling in a missing addend that will make two expressions equal
Identify and create equal and non equal addition expressions

Use the equal sign to show and create equal expressions (Part 1)

Students learn to use the equal sign to show equal expressions. Next, students practice filling in one missing addend to make the equation true with direct instructions
Use the equal sign to show and create equal expressions (Part 1)

Use the equal sign to show and create equal expressions (Part 2)

Students practice filling in one missing addend to make the equation true
Use the equal sign to show and create equal expressions (Part 2)

Identify whether number sentences are true and false

Students practice identifying true and false number sentences. Some examples require addition while others don't
Identify whether number sentences are true and false

Topic E: Subtraction as an Unknown Addend Problem

Students build their understanding of subtraction as its relate to addition. They move from the concrete to the abstract to solve problems. They use number bonds to relate addition and subtraction facts.

Explore the concept of "taking away" with concrete objects

Students explore the concept of "taking away" concrete objects and solving for the difference
Explore the concept of "taking away" with concrete objects

Use minus and equal signs to rewrite "taking away" as subtraction

Students learn that the minus sign represents "taking away". They identify minus and equals signs. Then, they rewrite "taking away" scenarios as a subtraction equation
Use minus and equal signs to rewrite "taking away" as subtraction

Complete subtraction number sentences using concrete objects

Students use concrete objects to help them write and solve subtraction number sentences
Complete subtraction number sentences using concrete objects

Match sets of cubes to real objects to model "taking away"

Students take away a set amount of cubes to match a set of real objects
Match sets of cubes to real objects to model "taking away"

Complete subtraction number sentences using a cube model

Students complete a subtraction number sentence to match a cube model and find the difference
Complete subtraction number sentences using a cube model

Compose and solve subtraction equations

Students select the sign to complete a subtraction number sentence based on a cube model
Compose and solve subtraction equations

Take away cubes to match and solve a subtraction equation

Students take away cubes to match a given number sentence, then solve for the difference
Take away cubes to match and solve a subtraction equation

Solve subtraction equations within 7

Students solve subtraction equations, using cube models for support if needed
Solve subtraction equations within 7

Write a full subtraction equation to match a cube model

Students write a complete subtraction equation to match a given cube model where cubes are taken away
Write a full subtraction equation to match a cube model

Use cubes to model subtraction from 8, 9, and 10

Students take away cubes to model subtraction from 8, 9, and 10, then solve the initial equation
Use cubes to model subtraction from 8, 9, and 10

Solve subtraction equations from 8, 9, and 10

Students solve subtraction equations from 8, 9, and 10, using cube models for support if needed
Solve subtraction equations from 8, 9, and 10

Solve subtraction equations within 10

Students solve subtraction equations within 10, without cube models for support
Solve subtraction equations within 10

Addition and subtraction as types of expressions

Students refresh concept of expressions. Students identify expressions from a set
Addition and subtraction as types of expressions

Sort expressions into addition and subtraction

Students learn to recognize and sort expressions as either addition or subtraction
Sort expressions into addition and subtraction

Complete number bonds and relate them to subtraction number sentences

Students complete number bonds with their missing part. Then, they use number bonds to create subtraction sentences
Complete number bonds and relate them to subtraction number sentences

Explore how addition and subtraction equations are related through number bonds

Students will learn how addition and subtraction facts are related through a number bond. Students are introduced to the concept of a fact family
Explore how addition and subtraction equations are related through number bonds

Identify the missing parts of related addition and subtraction facts

Students have more practice identifying pairs of addition and subtraction equations in a fact family. They complete the missing element of one fact when given the related fact
Identify the missing parts of related addition and subtraction facts

Identify members of a fact family from a given set of equations

Given an addition or subtraction fact, students identify the related fact from a set of equations
Identify members of a fact family from a given set of equations

Topic F: Decomposition Strategies for Subtraction

Students reinforce their understanding of subtraction within 10 and its underlying concepts as they build more efficient strategies to solve problems. They explore the relationship between addition and subtraction and work increasingly with 0 as a subtrahend and difference. They use subtraction scenarios with objects, base-10 block patterns, the number line, and equations to reinforce the relationships among fact families. They build upon existing knowledge of composition of numbers 6-10 as they move from the concrete to the abstract.

Record a scenario based on objects as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0 (Part 1)

Write subtraction equations using two numbers. They will write these subtraction equations to match with a picture they are given
Record a scenario based on objects as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0 (Part 1)

Record a number line scenario as a -0 subtraction equation

Learn that subtracting 0 from a number gives you the number you started with using a number line. Students will have to identify both numbers being subtracted and the difference based on the number line scenario
Record a number line scenario as a -0 subtraction equation

Record a number line scenario as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0

Learn that subtracting a number from itself results in a difference of 0 using a number line. They will identify the difference after being prompted to interact with the number line
Record a number line scenario as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0

Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations with a difference of 0

Solve for missing elements in subtraction equations that result in a difference of 0. Identify either one of the numbers that result in a difference of 0 or the difference of 0 iteself depending on the example
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations with a difference of 0

Subtract by moving an object backward on a number line and solve a related equation that shows subtraction from 3, 4, or 5

Subtract numbers from 3,4, or 5 using a number line. Sometimes, students will be prompted to fill in one missing element in a subtraction equation after interacting with the number line scenarios
Subtract by moving an object backward on a number line and solve a related equation that shows subtraction from 3, 4, or 5

Record a number line scenario as an equation that shows subtraction from 3, 4, or 5

Subtract numbers from 3,4, or 5 using a number line. Students will be prompted to fill in all elements of a subtraction equations including the minuend, operations symbol, subtrahend, and difference
Record a number line scenario as an equation that shows subtraction from 3, 4, or 5

Record a scenario based on objects as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0 (Part 2)

Use a scenario illustrated with pictures to complete subtraction equations. Students will fill in the minuend, subtrahend, and difference for each subtraction equation
Record a scenario based on objects as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0 (Part 2)

Use base-10 blocks to represent subtraction scenarios with objects within 5 and identify base-10 block patterns that represent subtraction scenarios with objects within 5

Select the number of base 10 cubes that match the number of objects removed in the scenario illustrated with pictures. They difference left over should match the number of pictures left over
Use base-10 blocks to represent subtraction scenarios with objects within 5 and identify base-10 block patterns that represent subtraction scenarios with objects within 5

Solve equations based on a model of base-10 blocks to subtract 1 or all but 1

Click the number of base 10 cubes that should be taken away from the total to match the difference of the subtraction equation given to you. Afterwards, students will in the difference of the subtraction equation
Solve equations based on a model of base-10 blocks to subtract 1 or all but 1

Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 6

Fill in addends and sums in equations that add up to 6 given a scneario illustrated by base 10 cubes. Students will then complete two subtraction equations using 6 and the addends from the first equation
Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 6

Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 7 or 8

Fill in addends and sums in equations that add up to 7 or 8 given a scneario illustrated by base 10 cubes. Students will then complete two subtraction equations using 7 or 8 and the addends from the first equation
Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 7 or 8

Subtract by moving an object backward on a number line and solve a related equation that shows subtraction within 7

Subtract numbers from 7 using a number line. Students will then be prompted to fill in the difference of subtraction equations
Subtract by moving an object backward on a number line and solve a related equation that shows subtraction within 7

Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 9 or 10

Fill in addends and sums in equations that add up to 9 or 10. given a scneario illustrated by base 10 cubes. Students will then complete two subtraction equations using 9 or 10 and the addends from the first equation
Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 9 or 10

Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 9

Using base 10 cubes, fill in the missing addend and sum for addition equations that sum to 9. Also, use base 10 cubes to fill in missing subtrahend and difference in subtraction equations that start with a minuend of 9
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 9

Topic G: Development of Subtraction Fluency Within 10

Students reinforce the relationship between addition and subtraction and the relationships among fact families. They use familiar objects, base-10 blocks, the number line, and equations to explore the composition of numbers 3-10. They build speed and accuracy with all +/- facts within 10.

Identify a number line model that represents a subtraction scenario given in words

Look at the three possible number line scenarios given to you. Then, select the one that represents the subtraction equation written in words
Identify a number line model that represents a subtraction scenario given in words

Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 4, 5, and 6

Using scenarios illustrated by base 10 cubes, fill in missing elements of subtraction equations. Each of the subtraction equations will start with either 4, 5, or 6
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 4, 5, and 6

Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 6 and 7

Using scenarios illustrated by base 10 cubes, fill in missing elements of subtraction equations. Each of the subtraction equations will start with either 6 or 7
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 6 and 7

Choose matching subtraction expression and difference

Using scenarios illustrated by pictures, match subtraction expressions with their corresponding differences. The activity ends when you get from one of the of the game board to the other
Choose matching subtraction expression and difference

Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 7 and 8

Using scenarios illustrated by base 10 cubes, fill in missing elements of subtraction equations. Each of the subtraction equations will start with either 7 or 8
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 7 and 8

Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 8 and 9

Using scenarios illustrated by base 10 cubes, fill in missing elements of subtraction equations. Each of the subtraction equations will start with either 8 or 9
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 8 and 9

Determine the missing element in a subtraction equation

Determine what elements are missing in the subtraction equations. As you fill in the missing elements of the subtraction equations, a puzzle will slowly be completed
Determine the missing element in a subtraction equation

Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 9 and 10

Using scenarios illustrated by base 10 cubes, fill in missing elements of subtraction equations. Each of the subtraction equations will start with either 9 or 10
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 9 and 10

MODULE 2. Introduction to Place Value Through Addition and Subtraction Within 20

Topic A: Counting On or Making Ten to Solve Result Unknown and Total Unknown Problems

Students reinforce their understanding of "tens" and "ones" while sorting, counting, adding, and subtracting. They use objects, base-10 blocks, the number line, and a ten-frame. They practice various strategies to add across 10 and increase fluency with +/- facts within 20.

Reinforce knowledge of numbers 11-20 by adding a single digit to the number ten

Students will choose the correct addend to complete the chart, then practice addition skills by typing the correct sum
Reinforce knowledge of numbers 11-20 by adding a single digit to the number ten

Discover the addends to make ten

Discover the addends with the sum of ten. Find the missing addend for a sum of ten and complete the number chart
Discover the addends to make ten

Determine the missing addend

Students will demonstrate their skill by finding the missing addend to complete the equation
Determine the missing addend

Practice with ten frames

Click and drag blobs to complete the ten frame. Add the remaining blobs to the ten frame to determine the sum
Practice with ten frames

Use ten frames to explore equations and determine the sum

Using ten frames, students count objects to determine the addends. Students then complete the ten-frame and use the visuals to solve the equation
Use ten frames to explore equations and determine the sum

Use base ten blocks to make ten then find the sum

Click and drag base ten blocks to first complete a rod of ten. Then students will count the loose blocks and add them to the rod to determine the sum
Use base ten blocks to make ten then find the sum

Use base ten blocks to determine the sum

Determine the number of blocks needed to complete a rod. Use the base ten block visual to determine the sum of the given equation
Use base ten blocks to determine the sum

Introduction to equations with three addends

Use the different colored blocks to find the addends that equal ten. Then add the remaining addend to ten to find the sum. Type the answer to the equation
Introduction to equations with three addends

Making 10 to solve three-addend equations

Students will use the mental math strategy of making ten to find the sum in equations with three addends
Making 10 to solve three-addend equations

Decomposing addends in order to make ten then adding to find the sum

Decompose one addend in order to add the correct number of blocks to the other group to create ten. Add ten to the remaining blocks to solve the equation
Decomposing addends in order to make ten then adding to find the sum

Continued practice decomposing addends to solve an equation

Decompose one addend in order to create ten. Add ten to the remaining blocks to solve the equation. Type the sum into the equation
Continued practice decomposing addends to solve an equation

Demonstrate knowledge of missing addend to make ten

Type in the missing addend to complete the equation with the sum of ten
Demonstrate knowledge of missing addend to make ten

Use the strategy of making ten to solve addition equations

Students use the strategy of making ten to solve result unknown addition equations. They will break the second addend into parts to simplify the problem
Use the strategy of making ten to solve addition equations

Solving using a number bond

Solve equations by decomposing and finding ten without the use of visual manipulatives. Introduction to using number bonds to solve the equation
Solving using a number bond

Using number bonds to solve addition equations

Using number bonds, determine how an addend is to be split to make ten. Add the remainder of the split to the ten to find the sum
Using number bonds to solve addition equations

Continued practice using number bonds to solve addition equations

Use number bonds to find the sum of an addition equation
Continued practice using number bonds to solve addition equations

Demonstrate proficiency or practice with assistance

Students are given the opportunity to solve equations with or without help
Demonstrate proficiency or practice with assistance

Solve the addition equations with sums of 11-16 to combine objects

Solve the addition equation to combine the two objects into one
Solve the addition equations with sums of 11-16 to combine objects

Solve the addition equations with sums of 11-16

Solve the addition equation to build a suit for battle
Solve the addition equations with sums of 11-16

Solve the addition equations with regrouping

Solve the addition equation to win the math battle
Solve the addition equations with regrouping

Topic B: Counting On or Taking from Ten to Solve Result Unknown and Total Unknown Problems

Students will use the strategy of making 10 to solve subtraction problems. They will use number bonds to break elements of subtraction equations into useful parts. Then, students will adapt these strategies to solving subtraction problems mentally.

Solve subtraction problems taking from 10

Students will subtract single-digit numbers from 10 to find the difference and complete each equation
Solve subtraction problems taking from 10

Subtract single digits from numbers 11-19 to make 10

First, students will count on from 10 to represent numbers between 11-19. Given a representation of 11-19 as a full ten frame and some remaining objects, remove the remaining objects to model subtracting a number to make 10
Subtract single digits from numbers 11-19 to make 10

Subtract the digit in the ones place from numbers 11-19 to make 10

Students will discover that subtracting the digit in the ones place from numbers 11-19 will produce a difference of 10. Students will solve these types of problems in equation and word form
Subtract the digit in the ones place from numbers 11-19 to make 10

Find the unknown number in subtraction problems to make 10

Given a number from 11-19, students will find the number that, when subtracted, produces a difference of 10. Students will begin to recognize that this number is identical to the digit in the ones place
Find the unknown number in subtraction problems to make 10

Solve subtraction problems beginning with a number from 11-15 and crossing 10

Students will model subtraction problems using a full ten frame and some ones. They will subtract a 1-digit number that crosses 10 to solve for the difference. They will model this by removing the remaining objects and then some items from the ten frame
Solve subtraction problems beginning with a number from 11-15 and crossing 10

Use the strategy of making 10 to solve subtraction equations

Students will model subtraction problems using a full ten frame and some ones. They will use the concept of number bonds to subtract to make 10, then subtract the remaining amount to solve for the difference
Use the strategy of making 10 to solve subtraction equations

Introduce subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks

Students will model subtraction problems using base ten blocks by eliminating the single cubes before subtracting from the long; i.e., subtract to make ten, then subtract the remaining amount to solve for the difference
Introduce subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks

Model subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks and knowledge of number bonds

Students will solve subtraction problems using base-ten blocks by first eliminating the single cubes, then subtracting from the rod to solve for the difference. They will use the concept of number bonds to practice the strategy of subtracting to make 10
Model subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks and knowledge of number bonds

More practice subtracting across 10 with base-ten blocks

Students will practice using base-ten blocks and the strategy of first subtracting to make 10 to solve subtraction problems across 10. Models involve using number bonds to break down the number being subtracted into smaller parts
More practice subtracting across 10 with base-ten blocks

Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use two equations to solve

Students will break down a number being subtracted using a number bond. Models involve breaking down the original problem into one equation that makes 10, then a second subtracting from 10 to solve for the total difference
Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use two equations to solve

Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use one equation to solve

Given a subtraction equation that crosses 10, break down the number being subtracted using a number bond. Break down the original equation and solve for 10, then subtract the remaining amount to find the difference. Both steps are performed mentally
Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use one equation to solve

Solve subtraction equations by using the strategy of making 10

Students will solve subtraction equations with the strategy of making 10. Options include mentally solving to provide the answer, or first breaking down one element using a number bond to make 10, then subtracting to find the solution
Solve subtraction equations by using the strategy of making 10

Solve subtraction equations that cross 10

Use any mental math strategy to solve subtraction equations taking from numbers 11-14 across 10
Solve subtraction equations that cross 10

Topic C: Varied Problems with Decompositions of Teen Numbers as 1 Ten and Some Ones

Students explore place value as they add and subtract across 10. They use multiple representations (objects, ten-frame, number line, base-10 blocks, and equations) to move from the concrete to the abstract. Students build their fluency with +/- facts within by reinforcing the underlying concept of exchanging and using the strategy of "resting" on 10. They also solve +/- problems in which all ones or all tens are added or subtracted.

MODULE 3. Ordering and Comparing Length Measurements as Numbers

Topic A: Indirect Comparison in Length Measurement

Students use familiar, real objects to build their sense of length comparison. They determine the longest, shortest, longer, and shorter among objects, even when not aligned.

Topic B: Non-Standard Length Units

Students use paper clips as a non-standard unit of length to measure objects. They learn that units must measure from endpoint to endpoint with no gaps or overlaps.

Topic C: Data Interpretation

Students count real objects and use tally marks or bar graphs to represent them. They interpret data presented in tables and graphs, and use it to find total, how many more, and how many fewer.

Make tally marks to count up to 5 objects

Learn how to use tally marks to keep track of observations. Enter the value represented by the tally marks
Make tally marks to count up to 5 objects

Identify totals of tally marks (Part 1)

Practice interpreting the value represented by tally marks. Enter the number shown by the tallies
Identify totals of tally marks (Part 1)

Identify totals of tally marks (Part 2)

Interpret the value of tally marks as part of a racing game. Entering the correct value moves the character ahead in the race
Identify totals of tally marks (Part 2)

Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 1)

Create a tally chart for animals seen in a picture. Interpret the value of tally marks in a chart and find the sum of two values
Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 1)

Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 2)

Identify the value of tally marks in a chart and then determine which item appeared most or least. Then, find the sum of the three values in the chart
Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 2)

Interpret data in a 1-category bar graph

Learn how to create and read a bar graph for one category
Interpret data in a 1-category bar graph

Create a 2-category bar graph and use it to interpret data

Create bar graphs of two categories. Identify which category contains more or fewer. Find the difference between the two categories
Create a 2-category bar graph and use it to interpret data

Interpret data in 2-category bar graphs

Students interpret data from horizontal and vertical 2-category bar graphs to determine which category represents a given value
Interpret data in 2-category bar graphs

Interpret horizontal bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories

Students interpret horizontal, 2-category bar graphs to identify which category shows more. They utilize the minus sign and set up a subtraction equation to find the difference between the categories
Interpret horizontal bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories

Interpret vertical bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories

Students interpret vertical, 2-category bar graphs to determine "how many more" one category contains than another. They compose the subtraction expression then solve to find the difference
Interpret vertical bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories

Interpret vertical bar graphs to find "how many fewer" between 2 categories

Students learn that "how many more" and "how many fewer" both represent the value of the difference. They interpret vertical bar graphs to find the "how many fewer" one category has than another. They compose an expression and solve for the difference
Interpret vertical bar graphs to find "how many fewer" between 2 categories

Write and solve subtraction equations to find the difference between 2 categories

Students interpret a 2-category bar graph to solve a word problem. They write and solve a subtraction equation to find the difference between the two categories
Write and solve subtraction equations to find the difference between 2 categories

Interpret data in a 3-category bar graph (Part 1)

Interpret the values given by three bar graphs. Compare the values and find the sum of all three categories
Interpret data in a 3-category bar graph (Part 1)

Interpret data in a 3-category bar graph (Part 2)

Practice interpreting the data given by 3-category bar graphs. Identify which bar shows a certain number and the sum of two categories
Interpret data in a 3-category bar graph (Part 2)

MODULE 4. Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 40

Topic A: Tens and Ones

Students will explore the concept of 2-digit numbers and place value. Students will begin to understand that 2-digit numbers represent a value of tens and some ones. They will have the support of base-10 blocks, number lines, and 10-frames.

Decompose numbers 11-19 into a group of 10 and some ones

Students will count the total number of base-10 cubes, then decompose numbers 11-19 into a group of ten and some ones. Students will identify the one group of 10 and how many ones remain
Decompose numbers 11-19 into a group of 10 and some ones

Practice with number words 0-50

Students will select the correct name for a number from 0-50. Then, given the name, students will type the correct number
Practice with number words 0-50

Practice with number lines showing 10-100

Students will fill in the missing numbers on a number line with intervals of 10
Practice with number lines showing 10-100

More practice with number lines showing 0-50

Students will fill in the missing numbers on a number line. Students will begin to recognize that numbers in the twenties have a 2 in the tens place and numbers in the fifties have a 5 in the tens place
More practice with number lines showing 0-50

Review the difference between letters and digits. Learn about 1- and 2-digit numbers

Students will review the difference between letters and digits and their uses. Students will then count the amount of digits in a given number. Students will sort a set of numbers into 1-and 2-digit numbers
Review the difference between letters and digits. Learn about 1- and 2-digit numbers

Learn about the concept of 10-frames

Students will fill an incomplete 10-frame. Students learn that the digits 10 represent 1 group of ten items. Students use 10-frames to practice counting by 10. Students discover that numbers can be represented in standard form or as groups of 10
Learn about the concept of 10-frames

Represent groups of ten as 2-digit numbers

Students will fill in the missing digits to write a number representing groups of ten. Students will then write groups of 10 as a 2-digit number
Represent groups of ten as 2-digit numbers

Review the concept of tens written as a 2-digit number

Students will review the concept of 10s being 2-digit numbers with a 0 at the end. Students will select 10s from a group of numbers 0-100
Review the concept of tens written as a 2-digit number

Represent 2-digit numbers as groups of ten and some ones

Students will break 2-digit numbers down into their place value--groups of tens and some ones--with some scaffolding
Represent 2-digit numbers as groups of ten and some ones

More practice making equivalencies between groups of ten and some ones and 2-digit numbers

Given groups of ten and some ones, students will click and drag the digits or rewrite them to show the equivalent 2-digit number. Then, they will perform the opposite function and rewrite a 2-digit number as groups of ten and some ones
More practice making equivalencies between groups of ten and some ones and 2-digit numbers

Write a 2-digit number to represent tens and ones

Given discs representing tens and ones, students will represent the total value as a 2-digit number
Write a 2-digit number to represent tens and ones

Identify place value within a 2-digit number

Given a set of base-10 blocks, students will count the number of groups of rods and cubes and represent them as 10s and 1s. Students will rewrite that value as a 2-digit number. Then, they will identify what the digits represent-10s or 1s
Identify place value within a 2-digit number

More practice identifying place value within 2-digit numbers

Given 2-digit numbers, students will identify the digits in the ones and tens place
More practice identifying place value within 2-digit numbers

Complete number sentences breaking 2-digit numbers into tens plus some ones

Students will identify the number of cubes in a set of rods and loose cubes. Students will complete a number sentence representing a 2-digit number as tens and some ones (or expanded form)
Complete number sentences breaking 2-digit numbers into tens plus some ones

Topic B: Comparison of Pairs of Two-Digit Numbers

Students compare and order numbers, reinforcing their understanding of place value and sequence. They use familiar base-10 blocks, number line, and begin using inequality signs.

Count and compare sets of objects

Students will count and compare sets of real objects to explore concepts of "greater," "less," "more," and "fewer."
Count and compare sets of objects

Explore with > and < signs when counting and comparing objects

Students will count and compare sets of real objects using terms like "greater than" and "less than," and inequality symbols. Students will learn that the symbol opens toward the larger number, then select the appropriate sign
Explore with > and < signs when counting and comparing objects

Use >, =, and < to compare two single-digit numbers

Students will select the correct inequality symbol to compare two single-digit numbers
Use >, =, and < to compare two single-digit numbers

Use >, =, and < to compare at the ones and tens place, using base-10 blocks for support

Students will compare a single-digit number to a two-digit number, then use inequality symbols to show which is greater. Students then use base-10 blocks to help compare two-digit numbers by breaking them down into tens and the remaining ones
Use >, =, and < to compare at the ones and tens place, using base-10 blocks for support

Use >, =, and < to compare one- and two-digit numbers, without additional supports

Students will compare one- and two-digit numbers and select the correct inequality symbol to represent the comparison. Students will do so without additional scaffolding from base-10 blocks
Use >, =, and < to compare one- and two-digit numbers, without additional supports

Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers (Part 1)

Students will use inequality symbols to compare larger two-digit numbers, using base-10 blocks for support. Students will learn that if a number has a larger digit in the tens place, it is the greater number, and vice versa
Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers (Part 1)

Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers (Part 2)

Students will compare two-digit numbers that have the same digit in the tens place, using base-10 blocks for support. Students learn that if this digit is the same, they should then compare the digits in the ones place
Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers (Part 2)

Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers, without additional supports

Students will compare two-digit numbers and select the correct inequality symbol to represent the comparison. Students will do so without additional scaffolding from base-10 blocks
Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers, without additional supports

Select the correct < or > sign to compare a pair of two-digit numbers

Students will select the correct inequality symbol to compare two two-digit numbers
Select the correct < or > sign to compare a pair of two-digit numbers

Select the number from a set that is the least or greatest

Given a set of one- and two-digit numbers, students will select the least or greatest number
Select the number from a set that is the least or greatest

Order a set of one- and two-digit numbers from least to greatest

Students will arrange a set of three numbers in ascending order
Order a set of one- and two-digit numbers from least to greatest

Topic C: Addition and Subtraction of Tens

Students work with round numbers to reinforce place value understanding of 10 more and 10 less. They use equations and the number line to solve addition problems and counting patterns.

Topic D: Addition of Tens or Ones to a Two-Digit Number

Students begin to develop strategies to add ones or tens to a 2-digit number. They utilize base-10 models, making ten, and number bonds to solve addition equations.

Use base-10 models to add ones to a 2-digit number

Students use base-10 blocks to represent an addition equation. They split the 2-digit number into tens and ones, then add the ones together. Then, they add without models
Use base-10 models to add ones to a 2-digit number

Add ones to a 2-digit number

Students practice adding ones to a 2-digit number without models
Add ones to a 2-digit number

Use base-10 blocks to add a tens to a 2-digit number

Students use base-10 blocks to represent an addition equation. They split the first addend into tens and ones, then solve by adding the tens. Then, they add without models
Use base-10 blocks to add a tens to a 2-digit number

Solve addition equations adding tens or ones to a 2-digit number

Students solve addition equations without models. They must decide which strategy to use: adding the tens or adding the ones to solve
Solve addition equations adding tens or ones to a 2-digit number

Identify tens numbers from a set

Students review the concept of tens numbers and identify them from a given set
Identify tens numbers from a set

Given a number along a number line, identify the next ten

Students count by tens to complete a number path. Then, given a 2-digit number, students identify the next ten along a number line
Given a number along a number line, identify the next ten

Identify the next ten from a given number, without models

Given a 2-digit number, students identify the next ten, without models
Identify the next ten from a given number, without models

Use base-10 blocks to practice adding to make a next ten

Students determine the value of a base-10 model. Then, students add cubes to make the next tens number. Students identify number pairs that create a ten when added together
Use base-10 blocks to practice adding to make a next ten

Identify the next ten and find the missing addend

Given a number, students identify the next ten, then determine how much must be added to the number to make the next ten
Identify the next ten and find the missing addend

Find the missing addend to make the next ten from a given number

Students determine how much to add to a given number to make the next ten
Find the missing addend to make the next ten from a given number

Use base-10 blocks to solve addition equations with exchanging

Students use base-10 blocks to solve addition equations with exchanging. They split a 2-digit addend into tens and ones, then add the amount needed to create the next ten. Then combine the new ten and remaining ones to solve
Use base-10 blocks to solve addition equations with exchanging

Use number bonds to solve addition equations with exchanging (Level 1)

Students solve addition equations with exchanging. They use number bonds to split the second addend into the amount needed to make the next ten, and the remainder. Then add all three numbers to solve
Use number bonds to solve addition equations with exchanging (Level 1)

Use number bonds to solve addition equations with exchanging (Level 2)

Students have more practice solving addition equations with exchanging. They split an addend by using a number bond to find the amount that makes the next ten, and a remainder. Then add the tens number and remaining ones to solve
Use number bonds to solve addition equations with exchanging (Level 2)

Solve addition equations with exchanging, using a number bond if needed

Students are given the choice to solve addition equations mentally or using the previous strategies involving number bonds to make exchanges
Solve addition equations with exchanging, using a number bond if needed

Add ones to a 2-digit number

Students add ones to a 2-digit number without models for additional support
Add ones to a 2-digit number

Add ones to a 2-digit number, with and without exchanging

Students have more practice adding ones to a 2-digit number. They must determine when to use the previous strategies to cross tens
Add ones to a 2-digit number, with and without exchanging

Topic E: Addition of Tens and Ones to a Two-Digit Number

Students synthesize their learning from the previous topic to add tens and ones to a 2-digit number. They are supported by the familiar model of base-10 blocks, place value charts, and step-by-step guidance.

Review adding ones to 2-digit numbers

Students review adding a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number to solve for the sum
Review adding ones to 2-digit numbers

Review adding tens to 2-digit numbers

Students review adding multiples of 10 to a 2-digit number to solve for the sum
Review adding tens to 2-digit numbers

Identify tens from a group of numbers and label place value of 2-digit numbers

Students review the definition of a tens number. Given several numbers, students identify the tens. Students are introduced to place value charts by labeling the places in a 2-digit number
Identify tens from a group of numbers and label place value of 2-digit numbers

Break down 2-digit numbers into tens and ones

Students use base-10 blocks to break down a 2-digit number into tens and ones. Students will complete a corresponding addition sentence with the tens and ones as the addends
Break down 2-digit numbers into tens and ones

Use place value charts with base-10 blocks to add two 2-digit numbers

Students use base-10 blocks to model 2-digit numbers. They use place value charts to practice adding two 2-digit numbers by first adding the ones, then the tens
Use place value charts with base-10 blocks to add two 2-digit numbers

Solve 2-digit addition equations by adding tens and ones separately

Students will add 2-digit numbers together by breaking the problem into two equations: adding ones to ones and tens to tens. Students then add the sums of those equations to solve for the total
Solve 2-digit addition equations by adding tens and ones separately

Mentally solve 2-digit addition problems

Using the previously-learned strategies, students will mentally add two 2-digit numbers together
Mentally solve 2-digit addition problems

Use place value charts with base-10 blocks to add 2-digit numbers, including regrouping

Students use base-10 blocks to model 2-digit numbers, then use place value charts to add the numbers. Students will learn when to trade into the tens in order to solve
Use place value charts with base-10 blocks to add 2-digit numbers, including regrouping

Review adding 1- and 2-digit numbers

Using the strategies they have learned, students will mentally solve addition equations involving 1- and 2-digit numbers
Review adding 1- and 2-digit numbers

MODULE 5. Identifying, Composing, and Partitioning Shapes

Topic A: Attributes of Shapes

Students learn the basic attributes of shapes: lines, closed figures, sides, and corners. They learn to identify triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, and hexagons.

Topic B: Halves and Quarters of Rectangles and Circles

Students learn to identify and count equal parts in a partitioned shape. They learn the names for halves and quarters, and use these names in identifying shapes partitioned as such.

Topic C: Application of Halves to Tell Time

Students explore digital and analog clocks to understand the passage and identification of time. They learn parts of the clock and different types of time notation: X:XX, X o'clock, X-thirty, and half past X.

Identify clock parts and time to the hour on a clock

Given a digital or analog clock, students identify time to the hour as well as the hour hand and minute hand
Identify clock parts and time to the hour on a clock

Identify daily and hourly passage of time

Understand that a day lasts from midnight to midnight and what that time looks like on an analog clock. Identify time to the hour as hours pass on an analog clock
Identify daily and hourly passage of time

Identify time to the hour on a digital and analog clock

Identify time to the hour on a digital or analog clock. Choose one of three digital clocks that matches the time on an analog clock
Identify time to the hour on a digital and analog clock

Determine time to the hour on an analog clock

Choose one of three analog clocks that shows a given time to the hour. Move the hour hand of a clock to show a given time
Determine time to the hour on an analog clock

Identify passage of minutes on an analog clock

Identify how many minutes have passed on an analog clock. Understand that there are 60 minutes in an hour and 30 minutes in a half hour
Identify passage of minutes on an analog clock

Identify time to the half hour on an analog clock and use associated language (Part 1)

Students learn the concept of half an hour on an analog clock. They also learn the language of half past X. Then, students practice telling time to the half hour on an analog clock
Identify time to the half hour on an analog clock and use associated language (Part 1)

Identify time to the half hour on an analog clock and use associated language (Part 2)

Students learn to say X thirty as an alternative to half past X. Then, students practice telling time to the half hour on an analog clock and choose the correct matching digital time
Identify time to the half hour on an analog clock and use associated language (Part 2)

Identify time to the half hour on a digital and analog clock

Identify time to the half hour on an analog and digital clock, using both X-thirty and half past X. Show time to the hour or half hour on an analog clock
Identify time to the half hour on a digital and analog clock

Identify time on a clock

Identify time to the hour or half hour on an analog or digital clock by typing or choosing the time. Use the notation X-thirty, half past X, X o'clock, or X:XX
Identify time on a clock

MODULE 6. Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 100

Topic A: Numbers to 120

Students use familiar representations such as base-10 blocks, place value charts, numeric form, word form, and addition equations to extend place value understanding of numbers up to 120.

Review tens numbers to 100

Students review tens numbers to 100. Given the numeric form, students identify the word form. Given the word form, they type the numeric form
Review tens numbers to 100

Identify the missing tens numbers

Students count by 10 and identify the missing tens numbers in a series. They place a given tens number on an incomplete number path
Identify the missing tens numbers

Show 2-digit numbers in unit form

Students use base-10 blocks to see that 2-digit numbers can be broken down into groups of tens and ones. Then, they rewrite 2-digit numbers as tens and ones
Show 2-digit numbers in unit form

Express the same values as a 2-digit number and tens and ones

Students rewrite groups of tens and ones as a 2-digit number. Then, they have more practice rewriting 2-digit numbers as tens and ones
Express the same values as a 2-digit number and tens and ones

Label the place value of a number

Students learn that a place value chart shows the places in a number. They label the places in a 2-digit number as tens and ones
Label the place value of a number

Identify the 2-digit number represented

Given a set of base-10 blocks, students identify and record the number of tens and ones on a place value chart. Then, they rewrite the value as a 2-digit number
Identify the 2-digit number represented

Match whole numbers to the corresponding unit form

Students match 2-digit numbers to the corresponding set of tens and ones
Match whole numbers to the corresponding unit form

Use addition to show that a number is composed of a tens number and some ones

Students find the missing number in an addition equation and begin to notice the pattern that any 2-digit number is made of a tens number and some ones
Use addition to show that a number is composed of a tens number and some ones

Find one more or one less than a number

Students find one more or one less than a given 2-digit number
Find one more or one less than a number

Find ten more or ten less than a number

Students find ten more or ten less than a given 2-digit number
Find ten more or ten less than a number

Count forward and backward by ones from a number

Students count up or down by ones from a given 2-digit number
Count forward and backward by ones from a number

Identify the rule and continue the pattern

Given a series of 2-digit of numbers, students identify the rule (1 more, 1 less, 10 more, or 10 less) and continue the pattern
Identify the rule and continue the pattern

Use <, =, and > to compare numbers

Given two 2-digit numbers, students use the <, =, and > signs to compare them
Use <, =, and > to compare numbers

Explore representations of numbers to 120

Students explore base-10 block models showing numbers 100-120. They learn that 100 is a set of 10 tens, and that numbers in the 100s contain 100 and some tens and ones. They represent these values in numeric and word form
Explore representations of numbers to 120

Write the numeric and word form for numbers to 120

Students work with numbers from 100-120. Given a base-10 block model, students identify the value represented in numeric and word form
Write the numeric and word form for numbers to 120

Represent numbers to 120 in numeric and word form

Given a number path to 120, students identify the corresponding word form. Then, given the word form of a number, they rewrite it in numeric form
Represent numbers to 120 in numeric and word form

Count from 100-120

Students count forward by ones from 100-120
Count from 100-120

Count forward and backward by ones from 100-120

Students count forward and backward by ones between 100 and 120
Count forward and backward by ones from 100-120

Add 1- and 2-digit numbers to 100 to compose numbers to 120

Students complete an addition equation and begin to notice the pattern that a number from 100-120 is made of 100 and some tens and/or ones
Add 1- and 2-digit numbers to 100 to compose numbers to 120

Identify the rule and continue the pattern up to 120

Given a set of numbers up to 120, students identify the rule (1 more, 1 less, 10 more, or 10 less) and continue the pattern. Students cross 100 when counting forward and backward by 10s
Identify the rule and continue the pattern up to 120

Topic B: Addition to 100 Using Place Value Understanding

Students use place value charts and base-10 blocks to solve 2-digit addition and subtraction equations. They also practice solving these problems mentally. Students begin to learn when to regroup in equations with 2-digit numbers.

Add tens numbers (Level 1)

Students use base-10 blocks to practice addition of tens numbers. Then, they add tens numbers without base-10 block scaffolding
Add tens numbers (Level 1)

Add tens numbers (Level 2)

Students solve addition problems involving tens numbers by adding the tens digits without a model
Add tens numbers (Level 2)

Subtract tens numbers (Level 1)

Students use base-10 blocks to practice subtraction of tens numbers. Then, they subtract tens numbers without base-10 block scaffolding
Subtract tens numbers (Level 1)

Subtract tens numbers (Level 2)

Students solve subtraction problems involving tens numbers by subtracting the tens digits without a model
Subtract tens numbers (Level 2)

Solve addition problems with 2-digit numbers and tens numbers (Level 1)

Students use place value charts and base-10 blocks to add a 2-digit number to a tens number. They solve equations by adding ones to ones and tens to tens, then both together to find the total sum
Solve addition problems with 2-digit numbers and tens numbers (Level 1)

Solve addition problems with 2-digit numbers and tens numbers (Level 2)

Students add a 2-digit number to a tens number without using a model. They solve equations by adding ones to ones and tens to tens, then both together to find the total sum
Solve addition problems with 2-digit numbers and tens numbers (Level 2)

Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 1)

Students use place value charts and base-10 blocks to add two 2-digit numbers. They solve equations by adding ones to ones and tens to tens, then both together to find the total sum
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 1)

Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 2)

Students break a 2-digit addition equation into two separate equations--one adding ones to ones, and another adding tens to tens. Students then add the sums together to find the total sum
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 2)

Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 3)

Students add two 2-digit numbers (without using models) by adding ones to ones and tens to tens
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 3)

Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers, including regrouping

Students solve addition problems with 2-digit numbers that also require them to regroup. This is scaffolded by place value charts and base-10 blocks
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers, including regrouping

Topic C: Coins and Their Values

Students explore the heads and tails sides of the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. They learn the value of each coin, how to count a collection of them, and how to count a mixed collection of coins. Students match coin image, name, and value.

Identify a penny and its value

Explore the appearance of both sides of a penny. Understand its value as one cent and calculate the total value of up to 6 pennies
Identify a penny and its value

Identify a dime and its value

Explore the appearance of both sides of a dime. Understand its value as ten cents and calculate the total value of up to 6 dimes
Identify a dime and its value

Match a penny or dime to its name, appearance, and value

Select a coin name, image, and value that all represent a dime or a penny
Match a penny or dime to its name, appearance, and value

Identify the total value of a collection of dimes and pennies

Given a selection of dimes and pennies, type the total value
Identify the total value of a collection of dimes and pennies

Exchange between one dime and ten pennies

Count and exchange pennies for a dime. Use pennies and dimes to show a total of 12 cents in two different ways
Exchange between one dime and ten pennies

Identify a nickel and its value

Explore the appearance of both sides of a nickel. Understand its value as five cents and calculate the total value of up to 6 nickels
Identify a nickel and its value

Match a penny, nickel, or dime to its name, appearance, and value (Part 1)

Identify whether a coin name matches the image shown. Match a penny, dime, and nickel with its name and value
Match a penny, nickel, or dime to its name, appearance, and value (Part 1)

Match a penny, nickel, or dime to its name, appearance, and value (Part 2)

Identify whether a coin shown matches the name given. Match a penny, dime, and nickel with its name and value
Match a penny, nickel, or dime to its name, appearance, and value (Part 2)

Identify a penny, nickel, or dime based on color or size

Identify pennies, nickels, and dimes from a collection of coins, even when the details of the coins are blurred
Identify a penny, nickel, or dime based on color or size

Exchange between pennies, nickels, and dimes

Count and exchange between pennies, nickels, and dimes. Count the total of a collection of nickels and pennies
Exchange between pennies, nickels, and dimes

Show a given total using nickels and pennies

Given a total value, choose nickels and pennies to equal the total
Show a given total using nickels and pennies

Identify a quarter and its value

Explore the appearance of both sides of a quarter. Understand its value as twenty-five cents. Sort pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters based on value
Identify a quarter and its value