Curriculum for Grade 1
Students look under the hood of addition and subtraction, applying place value understanding to 2-digit operations.
MODULE 1. Sums and Differences to 10
Topic A: Embedded Numbers and Decompositions
Students learn addition to 5 using concrete objects, abstract objects and equations. They learn the meaning and proper use of + and = signs, as well as the terms "addend" and "sum."
Count two addends and determine the total
Determine total number of objects and determine its two addends
Use the + and = signs in an equation
Identify addends and sum in an equation
Compose an addition equation based on a picture
Represent objects with cubes
Compose addition equations based on cubes, and solve equations with and without cubes
Solve addition equations
Topic B: Counting On from Embedded Numbers
Students learn addition to 10 using concrete objects, abstract objects, equations and number bonds. They solve for missing addend problems and begin to represent and solve word problems.
Add 0 to a number
Use the + sign in an equation and find the sum
Model and solve an addition equation
Record an addition equation based on a model to show more than one way to reach a given sum
Show more than one way to reach a given sum
Solve an addition equation (totals to 7)
Identify parts of an addition equation
Record an addition equation based on a model and create a model to show more than one way to reach a given sum
Solve addition equations to 10 with or without a model
Solve an addition equation (totals to 10)
Model and solve an addition word problem with objects
Model and solve an addition word problem with cubes
Write and solve an addition equation based on a word problem
Determine the missing addend based on a model of cubes
Determine the missing addend based on a cubes model
Counting on with cube models
Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 1)
Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 2)
Use a cube model to determine the missing addend
Determine the missing addend in an equation (Part 3)
Determine the missing addend in an equation
Choose two addends to reach a given total
Solve missing addend addition equations
Identify addends with a sum of 10
Identify a number bond
Build a number bond based on a model of cubes
Build a number bond based on a model of cubes and complete its addition equation
Build a model, number bond, and equation
Complete a number bond
Complete a number bond to show more than one way to reach a given total
Determine the missing addend in a number bond
Topic C: Development of Addition Fluency Within 10
Students reinforce their understanding of addition within 10 and its underlying concepts as they build more efficient strategies to solve problems. They use addition scenarios with objects, base-10 block patterns, the number line, and equations to reinforce the relationships among fact families. They build upon existing knowledge of composition of numbers 6-10 as they move from the concrete to the abstract.
Identify a missing addend in equations with a sum and their turnaround facts
Record a model of base-10 blocks as an addition equation
Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 4, 5, 6 and 7
Solve for a missing addend in an equation
Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 6, 7, 8 and 9
Choose the correct sum for an addition expression
Identify the missing addend in equations paired as turnaround facts with sums of 9 and 10
Topic D: The Commutative Property of Addition and the Equal Sign
Students learn about the commutative property of addition by comparing addition expressions with the same addends, but in a different order. In addition, students practice making expressions equal to each other by filling in the missing addend. Finally, students are introduced to the equal sign as a way to show that two expressions are equal or the same.
Solve simple addition equations and observe that changing the order of the addends doesn't change the sum
Explore expressions and reinforce the commutative property of addition
Make equal expressions and solve equations with the same addends in a different order
Identify and create equal and non equal addition expressions
Use the equal sign to show and create equal expressions (Part 1)
Use the equal sign to show and create equal expressions (Part 2)
Identify whether number sentences are true and false
Topic E: Subtraction as an Unknown Addend Problem
Students build their understanding of subtraction as its relate to addition. They move from the concrete to the abstract to solve problems. They use number bonds to relate addition and subtraction facts.
Explore the concept of "taking away" with concrete objects
Use minus and equal signs to rewrite "taking away" as subtraction
Complete subtraction number sentences using concrete objects
Match sets of cubes to real objects to model "taking away"
Complete subtraction number sentences using a cube model
Compose and solve subtraction equations
Take away cubes to match and solve a subtraction equation
Solve subtraction equations within 7
Write a full subtraction equation to match a cube model
Use cubes to model subtraction from 8, 9, and 10
Solve subtraction equations from 8, 9, and 10
Solve subtraction equations within 10
Addition and subtraction as types of expressions
Sort expressions into addition and subtraction
Complete number bonds and relate them to subtraction number sentences
Explore how addition and subtraction equations are related through number bonds
Identify the missing parts of related addition and subtraction facts
Identify members of a fact family from a given set of equations
Topic F: Decomposition Strategies for Subtraction
Students reinforce their understanding of subtraction within 10 and its underlying concepts as they build more efficient strategies to solve problems. They explore the relationship between addition and subtraction and work increasingly with 0 as a subtrahend and difference. They use subtraction scenarios with objects, base-10 block patterns, the number line, and equations to reinforce the relationships among fact families. They build upon existing knowledge of composition of numbers 6-10 as they move from the concrete to the abstract.
Record a scenario based on objects as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0 (Part 1)
Record a number line scenario as a -0 subtraction equation
Record a number line scenario as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations with a difference of 0
Subtract by moving an object backward on a number line and solve a related equation that shows subtraction from 3, 4, or 5
Record a number line scenario as an equation that shows subtraction from 3, 4, or 5
Record a scenario based on objects as a subtraction equation with a difference of 0 (Part 2)
Use base-10 blocks to represent subtraction scenarios with objects within 5 and identify base-10 block patterns that represent subtraction scenarios with objects within 5
Solve equations based on a model of base-10 blocks to subtract 1 or all but 1
Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 6
Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 7 or 8
Subtract by moving an object backward on a number line and solve a related equation that shows subtraction within 7
Record a model of base-10 blocks as two related equations that show subtraction from 9 or 10
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 9
Topic G: Development of Subtraction Fluency Within 10
Students reinforce the relationship between addition and subtraction and the relationships among fact families. They use familiar objects, base-10 blocks, the number line, and equations to explore the composition of numbers 3-10. They build speed and accuracy with all +/- facts within 10.
Identify a number line model that represents a subtraction scenario given in words
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 4, 5, and 6
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 6 and 7
Choose matching subtraction expression and difference
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 7 and 8
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 8 and 9
Determine the missing element in a subtraction equation
Identify missing numbers in subtraction equations from 9 and 10
MODULE 2. Introduction to Place Value Through Addition and Subtraction Within 20
Topic A: Counting On or Making Ten to Solve Result Unknown and Total Unknown Problems
Students reinforce their understanding of "tens" and "ones" while sorting, counting, adding, and subtracting. They use objects, base-10 blocks, the number line, and a ten-frame. They practice various strategies to add across 10 and increase fluency with +/- facts within 20.
Reinforce knowledge of numbers 11-20 by adding a single digit to the number ten
Discover the addends to make ten
Determine the missing addend
Practice with ten frames
Use ten frames to explore equations and determine the sum
Use base ten blocks to make ten then find the sum
Use base ten blocks to determine the sum
Introduction to equations with three addends
Making 10 to solve three-addend equations
Decomposing addends in order to make ten then adding to find the sum
Continued practice decomposing addends to solve an equation
Demonstrate knowledge of missing addend to make ten
Use the strategy of making ten to solve addition equations
Solving using a number bond
Using number bonds to solve addition equations
Continued practice using number bonds to solve addition equations
Demonstrate proficiency or practice with assistance
Solve the addition equations with sums of 11-16 to combine objects
Solve the addition equations with sums of 11-16
Solve the addition equations with regrouping
Topic B: Counting On or Taking from Ten to Solve Result Unknown and Total Unknown Problems
Students will use the strategy of making 10 to solve subtraction problems. They will use number bonds to break elements of subtraction equations into useful parts. Then, students will adapt these strategies to solving subtraction problems mentally.
Solve subtraction problems taking from 10
Subtract single digits from numbers 11-19 to make 10
Subtract the digit in the ones place from numbers 11-19 to make 10
Find the unknown number in subtraction problems to make 10
Solve subtraction problems beginning with a number from 11-15 and crossing 10
Use the strategy of making 10 to solve subtraction equations
Introduce subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks
Model subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks and knowledge of number bonds
More practice subtracting across 10 with base-ten blocks
Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use two equations to solve
Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use one equation to solve
Solve subtraction equations by using the strategy of making 10
Solve subtraction equations that cross 10
Topic C: Varied Problems with Decompositions of Teen Numbers as 1 Ten and Some Ones
Students explore place value as they add and subtract across 10. They use multiple representations (objects, ten-frame, number line, base-10 blocks, and equations) to move from the concrete to the abstract. Students build their fluency with +/- facts within by reinforcing the underlying concept of exchanging and using the strategy of "resting" on 10. They also solve +/- problems in which all ones or all tens are added or subtracted.
Solve substraction equations that include the number 10
Complete equations that add or subtract all tens or all ones with and without a model of base-10 blocks
Add ones to numbers in the second ten using base-10 blocks
Subtract from numbers 11-20 using base-10 blocks
Solve +/- equations that use numbers in the second ten and a single-digit number (Part 1)
MODULE 3. Ordering and Comparing Length Measurements as Numbers
Topic A: Indirect Comparison in Length Measurement
Students use familiar, real objects to build their sense of length comparison. They determine the longest, shortest, longer, and shorter among objects, even when not aligned.
Identify the longer or shorter of two objects and align objects to compare length
Identify the statement that correctly compares the length of two objects
Identify the shortest or longest object in an unaligned set of three objects
Arrange a set of aligned objects according to length
Topic B: Non-Standard Length Units
Students use paper clips as a non-standard unit of length to measure objects. They learn that units must measure from endpoint to endpoint with no gaps or overlaps.
Count to measure lengths of objects
Measure lengths of objects from endpoint to endpoint with no gaps or overlaps
Identify which of two objects is measured correctly
Measure lengths of objects by laying units correctly
Topic C: Data Interpretation
Students count real objects and use tally marks or bar graphs to represent them. They interpret data presented in tables and graphs, and use it to find total, how many more, and how many fewer.
Make tally marks to count up to 5 objects
Identify totals of tally marks (Part 1)
Identify totals of tally marks (Part 2)
Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 1)
Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 2)
Interpret data in a 1-category bar graph
Create a 2-category bar graph and use it to interpret data
Interpret data in 2-category bar graphs
Interpret horizontal bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories
Interpret vertical bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories
Interpret vertical bar graphs to find "how many fewer" between 2 categories
Write and solve subtraction equations to find the difference between 2 categories
Interpret data in a 3-category bar graph (Part 1)
Interpret data in a 3-category bar graph (Part 2)
MODULE 4. Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 40
Topic A: Tens and Ones
Students will explore the concept of 2-digit numbers and place value. Students will begin to understand that 2-digit numbers represent a value of tens and some ones. They will have the support of base-10 blocks, number lines, and 10-frames.
Decompose numbers 11-19 into a group of 10 and some ones
Practice with number words 0-50
Practice with number lines showing 10-100
More practice with number lines showing 0-50
Review the difference between letters and digits. Learn about 1- and 2-digit numbers
Learn about the concept of 10-frames
Represent groups of ten as 2-digit numbers
Review the concept of tens written as a 2-digit number
Represent 2-digit numbers as groups of ten and some ones
More practice making equivalencies between groups of ten and some ones and 2-digit numbers
Write a 2-digit number to represent tens and ones
Identify place value within a 2-digit number
More practice identifying place value within 2-digit numbers
Complete number sentences breaking 2-digit numbers into tens plus some ones
Topic B: Comparison of Pairs of Two-Digit Numbers
Students compare and order numbers, reinforcing their understanding of place value and sequence. They use familiar base-10 blocks, number line, and begin using inequality signs.
Count and compare sets of objects
Explore with > and < signs when counting and comparing objects
Use >, =, and < to compare two single-digit numbers
Use >, =, and < to compare at the ones and tens place, using base-10 blocks for support
Use >, =, and < to compare one- and two-digit numbers, without additional supports
Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers (Part 1)
Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers (Part 2)
Use >, =, and < to compare two-digit numbers, without additional supports
Select the correct < or > sign to compare a pair of two-digit numbers
Select the number from a set that is the least or greatest
Order a set of one- and two-digit numbers from least to greatest
Topic C: Addition and Subtraction of Tens
Students work with round numbers to reinforce place value understanding of 10 more and 10 less. They use equations and the number line to solve addition problems and counting patterns.
Solve addition equations that add round numbers to 40
Count backward by 10 on a number line (Part 1)
Count backward by 10 on a number line (Part 2)
Topic D: Addition of Tens or Ones to a Two-Digit Number
Students begin to develop strategies to add ones or tens to a 2-digit number. They utilize base-10 models, making ten, and number bonds to solve addition equations.
Use base-10 models to add ones to a 2-digit number
Add ones to a 2-digit number
Use base-10 blocks to add a tens to a 2-digit number
Solve addition equations adding tens or ones to a 2-digit number
Identify tens numbers from a set
Given a number along a number line, identify the next ten
Identify the next ten from a given number, without models
Use base-10 blocks to practice adding to make a next ten
Identify the next ten and find the missing addend
Find the missing addend to make the next ten from a given number
Use base-10 blocks to solve addition equations with exchanging
Use number bonds to solve addition equations with exchanging (Level 1)
Use number bonds to solve addition equations with exchanging (Level 2)
Solve addition equations with exchanging, using a number bond if needed
Add ones to a 2-digit number
Add ones to a 2-digit number, with and without exchanging
Topic E: Addition of Tens and Ones to a Two-Digit Number
Students synthesize their learning from the previous topic to add tens and ones to a 2-digit number. They are supported by the familiar model of base-10 blocks, place value charts, and step-by-step guidance.
Review adding ones to 2-digit numbers
Review adding tens to 2-digit numbers
Identify tens from a group of numbers and label place value of 2-digit numbers
Break down 2-digit numbers into tens and ones
Use place value charts with base-10 blocks to add two 2-digit numbers
Solve 2-digit addition equations by adding tens and ones separately
Mentally solve 2-digit addition problems
Use place value charts with base-10 blocks to add 2-digit numbers, including regrouping
Review adding 1- and 2-digit numbers
MODULE 5. Identifying, Composing, and Partitioning Shapes
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Students learn the basic attributes of shapes: lines, closed figures, sides, and corners. They learn to identify triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, and hexagons.
Identify the lines
Identify curved lines
Identify closed shapes
Identify shapes with a given number of sides
Count the number of sides and corners of shapes
Identify hexagons
Identify triangles, rectangles, squares, and hexagons
Identify a trapezoid
Draw given shapes
Identify given shapes
Identify shapes of everyday objects
Topic B: Halves and Quarters of Rectangles and Circles
Students learn to identify and count equal parts in a partitioned shape. They learn the names for halves and quarters, and use these names in identifying shapes partitioned as such.
Identify a shape that is partitioned into halves (Level 1)
Identify a shape that is partitioned into halves (Level 2)
Determine the number of equal parts in a partitioned shape
Identify a shape that is partitioned into quarters
Topic C: Application of Halves to Tell Time
Students explore digital and analog clocks to understand the passage and identification of time. They learn parts of the clock and different types of time notation: X:XX, X o'clock, X-thirty, and half past X.
Identify clock parts and time to the hour on a clock
Identify daily and hourly passage of time
Identify time to the hour on a digital and analog clock
Determine time to the hour on an analog clock
Identify passage of minutes on an analog clock
Identify time to the half hour on an analog clock and use associated language (Part 1)
Identify time to the half hour on an analog clock and use associated language (Part 2)
Identify time to the half hour on a digital and analog clock
Identify time on a clock
MODULE 6. Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 100
Topic A: Numbers to 120
Students use familiar representations (objects, ten-frames, base-10 blocks, number line, place value cards, number names, and equations) to extend their place value understanding to higher numbers within 100. They begin building their mental model of the hundred chart by understanding the relationship between numbers in columns and rows. They reinforce the understanding that 2-digit numbers are composed of a round number (or tens) plus ones.
Determine a missing round number to 100 on a number line and identify its written name
Position round numbers, in both digits and words, on a vertical number line
Determine 2-digit totals based on base-10 blocks and place value cards
Determine 2-digit totals of objects in ten-frames or base-10 blocks
Determine totals by counting objects with or without filling ten-frames
Represent a given two-digit number with base-10 blocks
Identify 2-digit round numbers
Decompose 2-digit numbers into a round number plus ones
Determine 2-digit totals of base-10 blocks by counting tens and ones
Determine totals by counting tens and ones using scattered and dissimilar objects in ten-frames
Decompose 2-digit numbers into tens and ones with and without a model of base-10 blocks
Solve +/- 1 and +/- 10 equations with and without a model of base-10 blocks
Count forward and backward within a ten on a number line
Align a scattered set of numbered, non-sequential objects in ascending order
Align a scattered set of numbered, non-sequential objects in descending order
Compare 2-digit totals with a set of 10, 5, and 1 coins
Identify missing numbers on a hundred chart
Identify 10 less, 10 more, 1 less, and 1 more on a hundred chart with limited numbering
Adding round numbers using blocks and bars
Addition and subtraction of round numbers
Solve equations that add two-digit numbers across a 10
Solve equations that add or subtract a round number using a hundred chart
Identify missing numbers in columns on a hundred chart with limited numbering
Identify 1 more and 10 more on a hundred chart with limited numbering
Complete and solve equations that add or subtract a round number using a hundred chart
Identify missing numbers on a hundred chart and decompose into tens and ones
Count forward across 100 and beyond 100 on a number line
Count backward across 100 and beyond 100 on a number line
Identify a missing three-digit number on a number line and its written name
Determine totals of objects in ten-frames beyond 100
Count base-10 rods beyond 100
Determine totals beyond 100 using a base-10 flat, rods, and cubes
Topic B: Addition to 100 Using Place Value Understanding
Students use place value charts and base-10 blocks to solve 2-digit addition and subtraction equations. They also practice solving these problems mentally. Students begin to learn when to regroup in equations with 2-digit numbers.
Add tens numbers (Level 1)
Add tens numbers (Level 2)
Subtract tens numbers (Level 1)
Subtract tens numbers (Level 2)
Solve addition problems with 2-digit numbers and tens numbers (Level 1)
Solve addition problems with 2-digit numbers and tens numbers (Level 2)
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 1)
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 2)
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers (Level 3)
Solve addition problems with two 2-digit numbers, including regrouping
Topic C: Coins and Their Values
Students explore the heads and tails sides of the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. They learn the value of each coin, how to count a collection of them, and how to count a mixed collection of coins. Students match coin image, name, and value.