Curriculum>Grade 1> Module 2>Topic B: Counting On or Taking from Ten to Solve Result Unknown and Total Unknown Problems
Given a number from 11-19, students will find the number that, when subtracted, produces a difference of 10. Students will begin to recognize that this number is identical to the digit in the ones place
A. Solve subtraction problems taking from 10
B. Subtract single digits from numbers 11-19 to make 10
C. Subtract the digit in the ones place from numbers 11-19 to make 10
E. Solve subtraction problems beginning with a number from 11-15 and crossing 10
F. Use the strategy of making 10 to solve subtraction equations
G. Introduce subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks
H. Model subtraction across 10 using base-ten blocks and knowledge of number bonds
I. More practice subtracting across 10 with base-ten blocks
J. Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use two equations to solve
K. Use number bonds to break down components of subtraction equations; use one equation to solve
L. Solve subtraction equations by using the strategy of making 10
M. Solve subtraction equations that cross 10