Curriculum>Grade 3> Module 1>Topic E: Multiplication and Division by 4
Learn how division by 4 is related to multiplication by 4. In this activity, students are given a clue as to how the solution is related to a multiplication fact they already know
A. Skip count by 4
B. Multiply by 4 with and without an array model
C. Multiply by 4 to complete a pattern of equations
D. Solve x4 multiplication equations
E. Represent a tape diagram as a multiplication equation (Level 1)
F. Represent a tape diagram as a multiplication equation (Level 2)
G. Label a tape diagram to represent a multiplication equation
H. Identify factors and product in a multiplication equation
I. Label arrays with equations to show the commutative property of multiplication (Level 1)
J. Label arrays with equations to show the commutative property of multiplication (Level 2)
K. Label tape diagrams with equations to show the commutative property of multiplication
L. Solve multiplication equations based on the commutative property
M. Solve word problems using tape diagrams and multiplication equations
O. Solve division equations with a divisor of 4 (Level 1)
P. Solve division equations with a divisor of 4 (Level 2)