Curriculum>Grade 3> Module 3>Topic A: The Properties of Multiplication and Division
Practice skip counting by 9 from 9 to 45, then using this information to fill in the missing numbers in a pattern
A. Illustrate the commutative property by labeling arrays and tape diagrams
B. Solve equations that illustrate the commutative property
C. Determine missing products in a multiplication chart (factors to 5)
D. Determine missing products in a multiplication chart (one factor > 5)
E. Skip count by 6
F. Determine multiples of 6 in a multiplication chart
G. Skip count by 7
H. Determine multiples of 7 in a multiplication chart
I. Skip count by 8
J. Determine multiples of 8 in a multiplication chart
L. Determine multiples of 9 in a multiplication chart
M. Determine missing products in a multiplication chart (one factor > 5)
N. Solve for an unknown represented by a letter in multiplication equations
O. Solve for an unknown represented by a letter in division equations
P. Match an equation containing an unknown to a statement
Q. Solve for an unknown represented by a letter in multiplication and division equations
R. Compose and solve a multiplication equation based on a tape diagram
S. Solve a multiplication word problem using a tape diagram