Curriculum>Grade 3> Module 3>Topic E: Analysis of Patterns and Problem Solving Including Units of 0 and 1
Learn how to compose a multiplication sentence based on a model in which the groups have 0 objects in them. Students will recognize that a number times 0 is always 0
A. Compose a multiplication sentence (including 1 x n) to represent a mode
B. Solve multiplication problems that use 1 as a factor (including 1 x n)
C. Solve division problems that use 1 as a divisor (including n / 1)
D. Compose a multiplication sentence (including n x 1) to represent a model
E. Solve multiplication problems that use 1 as a factor (including n x 1)
F. Solve division problems in which a number is divided by itself
G. Solve for an unknown (represented by a letter) in multiplication and division problems that include 1
H. Compose a multiplication sentence (including n x 0) to represent a model
I. Solve multiplication problems that use 0 as a factor (including n x 0 and 0 x n)
K. Solve for an unknown (represented by a letter) in multiplication and division problems that include 0
L. Determine whether a multiplication or division equation with an unknown represented by a letter is true based on a let statement