Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 4>Topic C: Fraction Comparison
Use a number line to determine whether a given fraction is less than or greater than the benchmark fraction of 1/2. Then compare fractions to 1/2 without the use of a numberline
A. Label and compare fractions with like denominators or like numerators based on a model
B. Place fractions with like denominators or like numerators on a number line and compare
C. Order four fractions with like denominators or like numerators based on a model
D. Compare fractions with like denominators or like numerators
F. Solve word problems comparing a fraction to 1/2 using an equivalent fraction
G. Compare fractions by comparing each one to 1/2
H. Compare fractions by comparing each one to 1
I. Choose a strategy and use it to compare fractions
J. Compare fractions by comparing the remaining unit fraction using a number line and model
K. Compare fractions by finding a common numerator (when one numerator is a multiple of the other)
L. Compare fractions by finding a common denominator (when one denominator is a multiple of the other)
M. Compare fractions by finding a common denominator (when one denominator is not a multiple of the other)
N. Compare fractions by finding a common numerator or denominator (when one is a multiple of the other)