Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 4>Topic C: Fraction Comparison
Four strategies are given for comparing two fractions. Choose the best strategy for comparing the given fractions, and use it to compare
A. Label and compare fractions with like denominators or like numerators based on a model
B. Place fractions with like denominators or like numerators on a number line and compare
C. Order four fractions with like denominators or like numerators based on a model
D. Compare fractions with like denominators or like numerators
E. Compare fractions to 1/2 with and without a number line
F. Solve word problems comparing a fraction to 1/2 using an equivalent fraction
G. Compare fractions by comparing each one to 1/2
H. Compare fractions by comparing each one to 1
J. Compare fractions by comparing the remaining unit fraction using a number line and model
K. Compare fractions by finding a common numerator (when one numerator is a multiple of the other)
L. Compare fractions by finding a common denominator (when one denominator is a multiple of the other)
M. Compare fractions by finding a common denominator (when one denominator is not a multiple of the other)
N. Compare fractions by finding a common numerator or denominator (when one is a multiple of the other)