Curriculum>Grade 4> Module 5>Topic B: Tenths and Hundredths
Label fraction models in tenths and hundredths using fraction form and decimal form
A. Identify hundredths using fraction and decimal notation
B. Match hundredths decimals to unit form and rewrite a hundredths decimal in unit form
D. Compare equivalent tenths and hundredths in decimal form
E. Match equivalent tenths and hundredths in decimal and unit form
F. Show tenths and hundredths equivalencies using a disk model
G. Represent a hundredths number using a disk model
H. Identify points in the hundredths on a number line
I. Label a mixed number on an area model using fraction and decimal form
J. Match mixed numbers in fraction and decimal form, and rewrite a mixed number fraction in decimal form
K. Label a mixed number based on a disk model