Happy Numbers Printables

What is the most time-consuming task for teachers?

    Last year, we conducted extensive research to learn more about teachers’ needs and pains. We determined which activities are the most time-consuming and analyzed how we can help teachers save time and nerve cells. One of the top picks on this list was searching for printable worksheets: additional non-digital math practice. Teachers explained why this seemingly simple task frustrates them so much:

  • It’s difficult to find a trusted source: a guarantee that all the worksheets are standards-aligned and contain enough quantity of math activities
  • Cyberspace contains tons of materials, so sifting through for what I need is like looking for a needle in a haystack
  • Printables often need to be altered: difficult directions, not enough space for solutions, etc.
  • Different students need different levels of difficulty for the same skill, and most of the sources don’t provide them in one place

    Here you can see the result of our questionnaire on how teachers use printables and how much time they spend preparing for a lesson:
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    Looks like a disaster, doesn’t it? But keep calm, Happy Numbers is here. For next school year, we’ve prepared something you’ll love. No doubt you’ve already guessed what we’re talking about. 

Why Happy Numbers Printables?

    While creating our Printables Library, we tried to take into consideration all the difficulties teachers highlighted during our research. Here are the main principles by which we created our library:

  •  Robust. Our printed materials cover the entire K-5 curriculum and even a little more (we added spatial thinking and out-of-the-box exercises).
  • Trusted. All the printables were created by our methodology team with the review of the instructional math coach with the best pedagogical practices.
  • Time-saving. All the printables are standards-aligned, but for ease of searching they are grouped by particular skills (for example, “2-digit addition with regrouping”).
  • Differentiated. For each skill, we prepared up to 3 levels of difficulty (Easy-Medium-Challenging) to allow teachers to individualize instructions in one step.
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  • Accessible. All the printables are available in English and Spanish.
  • Convenient. We created a special tool that allows you to print as many copies of each level of difficulty as needed in just a few clicks. 

What's next?

    We’re sure you’re excited to try our Printables Library, but we have even more features to release during the 2023-2024 school year:
  • Collect your feedback and update any printables that need fine-tuning
  • Create a recommendation system for additional practice for your students based on their HN performance

    Stay tuned to enjoy new Happy Numbers features, and save your priceless time for actual instruction.  

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