Happy Numbers: Results Proven by Research
To ensure that Happy Numbers equips each student to succeed and have the best experience possible, we continually track the efficacy of our personalized instruction and assessment system at all stages. Based on the results of this research, we fine-tune the Happy Numbers platform to provide optimal instruction and reliable outcomes for your students.
Evidence for ESSA
A series of studies satisfying the ESSA Tier III (Promising Evidence) requirements demonstrates statistically significant, positive effects of using Happy Numbers on end-of-year math scores for grade K—5 students. This effect remains consistent above and beyond differences observed due to having different teachers and starting at different levels.
The 2021-2022 study focused on kindergarten and first-grade students. Find ESSA Tier III research highlights for these grades here, and access the complete report via this link.
The 2022-2023 study provides results for grade 2-5 students. Both the ESSA Tier III research highlights and the full report are available through provided links.
Explore the Happy Numbers logic model via this link.

Happy Numbers’ Impact on Student Math Achievement
Kindergarten and grade 1 students who used Happy Numbers at a medium to high rate during the school year made greater gains than students with low or no usage. The difference was positive and statistically significant. Significant increase in math proficiency was observed across all initial achievement levels. Click to read the research brief.