Curriculum>Grade 5> Module 2>Topic D: Mental Strategies for Multi-Digit Whole Number Division
Practice dividing multi-digit round numbers using mental math. Complete a picture puzzle by solving the problems correctly
A. Divide round numbers by powers of 10
B. Divide by factoring out powers of 10 from the divisor
D. List the multiples of a given 2-digit round number
E. Round a 3-digit number to the nearest multiple of a given 2-digit round number (Level 1)
F. Round a 3-digit number to the nearest multiple of a given 2-digit round number (Level 2)
G. Estimate a quotient by finding the nearest multiple
H. Estimate a quotient of a multi-digit division equation (Level 1)
I. Estimate a quotient of a multi-digit division equation (Level 2)