Curriculum>Grade 2> Module 3>Topic F: Finding 1, 10, and 100 More or Less Than a Number
Students determine whether a given set of numbers shows counting up or down (by 10s or 100s) and then continue the pattern. They then determine the amount by which a given set of numbers counts up or down (10 or 100) and continue the pattern
A. Determine 10 or 100 more with and without a place value chart
B. Determine 10 or 100 less with and without a place value chart
C. Determine 1/10/100 more or less (Part 1)
D. Determine 1/10/100 more or less (Part 2)
E. Determine 1/10/100 more or less (Part 3)
F. Compare using 1, 10, or 100 more or less
G. Determine 1 or 10 more across place values
H. Determine 1 or 10 less across place values
I. Count up and back by 1s (3-digit numbers)
J. Count up and back by 10s or 100s (3-digit numbers)
L. Count up by 10s
M. Count up by 1s and 100s
N. Counting patterns (Level 2)