How to Use a Number Chart to 100

How to Use a Number Chart to 100

Learn what number charts are and how to use them effectively in class.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5…” the children count as they move their fingers along their charts.

Counting to one hundred is an important skill that children must learn, usually in first grade.

The Purpose of a 100 Number Chart

1 to 100 charts can serve various purposes and can be used in different ways. Below, you’ll even see some fun activities you can do using 100 number charts.

First and foremost, 1 to 100 charts can serve as a reference for children to view in the classroom. This is especially the case when a number chart has the words for each number printed below (for example 25, twenty-five). This can help students who are still unsure of the numerals.

A Moveable 100 Number Chart

A popular Montessori material, the number chart to 100 is a great way for children to practice counting. You can make your own DIY version by cutting a simple number chart into tiles.

First, make a number chart that shows 10 numbers in each row (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc.) Then, cut them all apart. Then provide a blank chart that students must fill in using the tiles.

Some teachers keep the numbers separated by row (all the number tiles from 1-10 in a jar). Then, students can put the tiles in order from 1-100.

As additional work, students can be given a blank chart to write in the numbers.

Activities with 100 Number Charts

Use your 100 number chart as a way to open up lots of math conversations and fun in your classroom! Here are some suggested activities you can do using 1 to 100 number charts:

1. Counting by multiples
Count by 2s, 5s, or 10s using the number chart as a base. You can do this as a class or individually. Kids can also color in the numbers for skip counting, which makes patterns show up on the chart. Cool!

2. Fill in the missing numbers
Print out 1 to 100 charts with some numbers missing. Then, have your kids fill in the missing numbers.

3. Scavenger Hunt
Print or draw a large number chart with some numbers missing. Then, hide stickers with the missing numbers hidden all over the room. Then, have the kids fill in the chart with the missing numbers in order. If your kids are still just learning their numbers, you can have them use a complete number chart and just match the numbers instead.

4. Riddles
Provide the class with a worksheet of riddles to fill in using the number chart as a reference.
– Find a number that’s 10 greater than 40
– Find a number that’s 1 less than 55
– Find a number that’s greater than 25 but less than 30


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