Curriculum>Grade 3> Module 1>Topic F: Multiplication and Division by 5
Practice skip counting by 10s. Fill in the missing numbers on a number line when skip counting from 10 to 100
A. Skip count by 5
B. Multiply by 5 with and without an array model
C. Multiply by 5 to complete a pattern of equations
D. Solve x5 multiplication equations
E. Solve division equations by using the related multiplication fact
F. Solve division equations with a divisor of 5 (Level 1)
G. Solve division equations with a divisor of 5 (Level 2)
H. Label arrays with equations to show the distributive property of multiplication
I. Complete expressions based on the distributive property of multiplication
J. Compose a division equation based on an array
K. Compose a division equation based on an array to show the distributive property of division
L. Solve a division equation based on an array by using the distributive property of division
M. Complete expressions based on the distributive property of division
O. Multiply by 10 to complete a pattern of equations (Level 1)
P. Multiply by 10 to complete a pattern of equations (Level 2)
Q. Solve x10 multiplication equations
R. Solve word problems using tape diagrams and division equations (Level 1)
S. Solve word problems using tape diagrams and division equations (Level 2)