Curriculum>Grade 5> Module 4>Topic D: Fraction Expressions and Word Problems
Practice the vocabulary terms used for the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Match a verbal expression to the correct mathematical expression
B. Compose an expression based on text
C. Compose a compound expression based on text (Part 1)
D. Compose a compound expression based on text (Part 2)
E. Compose a compound expression based on text (Part 3)
F. Compose a compound equation based on a model and solve (Part 1)
G. Compose a compound equation based on a model and solve (Part 2)
H. Solve compound equations with parentheses and fractions
I. Solve a word problem by multiplying a whole number by a fraction (Level 1)
J. Solve a word problem by multiplying a whole number by a fraction (Level 2)