Curriculum>Grade 1> Module 3>Topic C: Data Interpretation
Interpret the values given by three bar graphs. Compare the values and find the sum of all three categories
A. Make tally marks to count up to 5 objects
B. Identify totals of tally marks (Part 1)
C. Identify totals of tally marks (Part 2)
D. Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 1)
E. Interpret data in a table using tally marks (Level 2)
F. Interpret data in a 1-category bar graph
G. Create a 2-category bar graph and use it to interpret data
H. Interpret data in 2-category bar graphs
I. Interpret horizontal bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories
J. Interpret vertical bar graphs and find the difference between 2 categories
K. Interpret vertical bar graphs to find "how many fewer" between 2 categories
L. Write and solve subtraction equations to find the difference between 2 categories
N. Interpret data in a 3-category bar graph (Part 2)