Curriculum for Pre-kindergarten

Students lay the foundation of number sense and mathematical thinking as they progress through very concrete, hands-on exercises that prepare them for future success in math.

MODULE 1 Counting to 5

Topic A: Identifying Attributes

Students learn the meaning of same, different, alike, larger, and smaller. They identify and match objects based on size, color, shape, and even purpose.

Topic B: Sorting Objects by Attribute

Students build upon their understanding of size, color, shape, and purpose to sort dissimilar objects based on a common attribute. They must also ignore objects that do not fit the given descriptors.

Topic C: How Many Questions with 1, 2, or 3 Objects

Students learn to count objects with 1:1 matching by interacting with each object, either by tapping it or by moving it. They work with uniform objects that are both aligned and scattered. Automatic voice prompts give directions and guidance.

Topic D: Exploring Numbers 1 to 3

Students learn the numeric representation and value of numbers 1-3. They learn to identify and write the numerals and count from 1-3 with concrete objects.

Topic E: Exploring the Number 4

Students learn the numeric representation and value of number 4. They learn to identify and write the numeral and count from 1-4 with concrete objects.

Topic F: Exploring the Number 5

Students learn the numeric representation and value of number 5. They learn to identify and write the numeral and count from 1-5 with concrete objects.

Topic G: One More with Numbers 1 to 5

Students work with sets of identical objects to determine the total when one more is added. They may or may not count each object as they begin to rely on their ability to visually recognize totals up to five.

Topic H: Counting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Students work with sets of identical objects to determine what remains when one is taken away. Students learn to count backward from 5 and identify missing numbers in this series.

MODULE 2 Shapes

Topic A: Two-Dimensional Shapes

Students identify circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles of different sizes, colors, and orientation. Students also work with triangles and rectangles with different proportions. They learn the positions above, below, next to, in front of, and behind.

Identify circles from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Practice recognizing circles. Then find and click on the circles in a set of shapes to feed them to the creature
Identify circles from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Identify squares from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Practice recognizing squares. Then find and click on the squares to feed them to the creature
Identify squares from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Identify triangles from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Practice recognizing triangles. Then find and click on the triangles to feed them to the creature
Identify triangles from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Identify rectangles from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Practice recognizing rectangles. Then find and click on the rectangles to feed them to the creature
Identify rectangles from among a set of two-dimensional shapes

Identify the position above or below a given object (Part 1)

Practice the positional words "above" and "below." Help guide a spaceship through space by telling it to go above or below an asteroid
Identify the position above or below a given object (Part 1)

Identify the position above or below a given object (Part 2)

Practice the positional words "above" and "below" by tapping the space above or below the birds
Identify the position above or below a given object (Part 2)

Move objects up or down as instructed

Practice the words "up" and "down" by dragging handles up or down to reveal a space scene
Move objects up or down as instructed

Position a shape above or below another shape as instructed

Practice the words "above" and "below." Listen to the directions telling where to put the given shapes
Position a shape above or below another shape as instructed

Position an object next to another object as instructed

Practice the meaning of the positional phrase "next to" by positioning objects next to other objects
Position an object next to another object as instructed

Position an object in front of or behind another object as instructed

Practice the positional terms "in front of" and "behind" by placing objects in front of or behind other objects
Position an object in front of or behind another object as instructed

MODULE 3 Counting to 10

Topic A: How Many Questions with up to 7 Objects

Students continue developing their ability to count with 1:1 matching, moving in a left to right progression as well as from top to bottom to count objects in rows. They continue to develop their visual recognition of totals without counting.

Recognize that one more than 5 is 6

Learn that one more than 5 is 6. Count a row 5 objects, then see one more object added to the row. Learn that the next number after 5 is 6 as a 6 tile is placed beside the 5 tile
Recognize that one more than 5 is 6

Count 6 similar aligned objects from left to right

Count up to 6 similar objects that are in a row. Practice one-to-one correspondence by clicking on each object as you count
Count 6 similar aligned objects from left to right

Tap objects to count the total to 6

Count 6 objects that are not in a row, and click on the number that tells how many
Tap objects to count the total to 6

Identify totals of up to 6 identical objects

Count up to 6 objects, then click on the number that tells how many
Identify totals of up to 6 identical objects

Recognize that one more than 6 is 7

Learn that one more than 6 is 7. Count a row 6 objects, then see one more object added to the row. Learn that the next number after 6 is 7 as a 7 tile is placed beside the 6 tile
Recognize that one more than 6 is 7

Count 7 similar aligned objects from left to right

Count up to 7 similar objects that are in a row. Practice one-to-one correspondence by clicking on each object as you count
Count 7 similar aligned objects from left to right

Tap objects to count the total to 7

Count 7 objects that are not in a row, and click on the number that tells how many
Tap objects to count the total to 7

Identify totals of up to 7 identical objects

Count up to 7 similar objects that are in a row. Click on the number that tells how many
Identify totals of up to 7 identical objects

Align groups of identical objects and identify the total

Learn that it is easier to count objects when they are in a row. Line up 6 or 7 objects in a row, then count. Click on the number that tells how many
Align groups of identical objects and identify the total

Count identical objects in two rows from left to right, top to bottom

Practice counting up to 6 objects that are placed in two rows by counting left to right and top to bottom
Count identical objects in two rows from left to right, top to bottom

Topic B: Matching One Numeral with up to 7 Objects

Students work with groups of identical objects to split totals in different ways (a precursor to learning fact families). They count objects in different alignments, including circular, two rows, and vertical column. In the final exercise, they see that when objects are rearranged, the total remains the same.

Combine and split groups of 6 identical objects and determine totals

Count how many pencils a girl has, then count how many pencils a boy has. Then, put all of the pencils together and count how many there are altogether
Combine and split groups of 6 identical objects and determine totals

Split a group of 6 identical objects into two groups in different ways

Split 6 flowers into two groups in different ways. First, split the flowers into two groups of 3. Then split the flowers into a group of 1 and a group of 5
Split a group of 6 identical objects into two groups in different ways

Combine and split groups of 7 identical objects and determine totals

Count how many pencils a girl has, then count how many pencils a boy has. Then, put all of the pencils together and count how many there are altogether
Combine and split groups of 7 identical objects and determine totals

Split a group of 7 identical objects into two groups in different ways

Split 7 flowers into two groups in different ways. First, split the flowers into a group of 3 and a group of 4. Then split the flowers into a group of 1 and a group of 6
Split a group of 7 identical objects into two groups in different ways

Distribute and count 7 identical objects aligned in a circular arrangement

Distribute 7 balls to 7 children who are standing in a circle. Then count the balls and click on the number to tell how many
Distribute and count 7 identical objects aligned in a circular arrangement

Distribute and count 6 identical objects aligned in two rows

Practice one-to-one correspondence. Distribute 6 bowls of food to 6 pets who are sitting in two rows. Then count the bowls to tell how many
Distribute and count 6 identical objects aligned in two rows

Distribute and count 5 or 6 identical objects aligned in a column

Practice counting objects that are in a column. Sew 5 or 6 buttons on a jacket. Then count the buttons and click on the number to tell how many
Distribute and count 5 or 6 identical objects aligned in a column

Topic C: How Many Questions with up to 8 Objects

Students continue developing their ability to count with 1:1 matching, moving in a left to right progression as well as from top to bottom to count objects in rows.

Topic D: Matching One Numeral with up to 8 Objects

Students match groups of uniform objects to a total written in digits. They work with both aligned and scattered objects to match objects to a number or match a number to objects. Students begin to create parts (or groups) for totals of up to eight objects.

Topic E: How Many Questions with 0 up to 9 Objects

Students are introduced to the concept of 0. They continue developing their ability to count with 1:1 matching, moving in a left to right progression as well as from top to bottom to count objects in rows.

Topic F: Matching One Numeral with 0 up to 9 Objects

Students work with groups of identical objects to split totals in different ways (a precursor to learning fact families). They count objects in different alignments, including circular and rows. In the final exercise, they see that when objects are rearranged, the total remains the same.

Topic G: How Many Questions with up to 10 Objects

Students continue developing their ability to count with 1:1 matching, moving in a left to right progression as well as from top to bottom to count objects in rows.

Topic H: Matching One Numeral with up to 10 Objects

Students work with groups of identical objects to split totals in different ways (a precursor to learning fact families). They count objects in different alignments, including circular and two rows. In the final exercise, they see that when objects are rearranged, the total remains the same.

MODULE 4. Comparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 5

Topic A: Comparison of Length

Students are introduced to the terms "taller," "higher," and "about the same" regarding height and length. They work with familiar objects to make determinations about height or weight, eventually manipulating objects to create the desired height or weight.

Topic B: Comparison of Weight

Students are introduced to the concept of weight, including the terms "lighter" and "heavier." Students will compare familiar objects to make determinations about weight.

Topic C: Identifying Objects That Are First and Last

Students are introduced to the terms "first" and "last," then use this knowledge to identify which items are first and last in a series of 5 or less. Then, students are introduced to the concept of one-to-one correspondence.

Topic D: Comparing Sets

Students are introduced to the concepts of "more," "less," "same," and "different." Given two sets of 5 or less objects, students will compare the number of items in each group and identify which shows more or less, or same or different amounts.

MODULE 5 Addition and Subtraction Stories

Topic A: Contextualizing Addition Stories to Solve

Students count identical objects aligned in a row. Then additional objects, identical except for the color, are added to the row. Students count those objects and then determine the total.

Topic B: Contextualizing Subtraction Stories to Solve

Students count identical objects aligned in a row. Then some of the objects are taken away (balloons pop, pears are eaten, etc.). Students count the remaining objects to determine the difference.

Topic C: Decontextualizing Addition Stories to Solve Using Fingers, Objects, and Drawings

Students move toward more abstract thinking by using cubes to represent real objects (birds, balloons, apples, etc.). They build understanding that the number of cubes represents the objects with 1:1 matching and can be used in determining totals in simple addition stories.

Match cubes 1:1 with objects aligned in a row (Level 1)

Match cubes one-to-one with up to 4 objects. This will help students model story problems using cubes as a model
Match cubes 1:1 with objects aligned in a row (Level 1)

Match cubes 1:1 with objects aligned in a row (Level 2)

Practice modeling a situation with cubes. Look at a picture of up to 4 objects. Place the correct number of cubes to model the number of objects
Match cubes 1:1 with objects aligned in a row (Level 2)

Determine the number of objects represented by cubes

Practice modeling a situation with cubes. Look at a picture of up to 4 objects. Place the correct number of cubes to model the number of objects. Then, the objects will be hidden. Look at the number of cubes, and tell how many objects are hidden
Determine the number of objects represented by cubes

Match cubes 1:1 with objects aligned in a row (Level 3)

Practice one-to-one correspondence and modeling. Model different colored objects with different colored cubes. Make sure the number of cubes matches the number of objects
Match cubes 1:1 with objects aligned in a row (Level 3)

Determine the number of objects represented by cubes in an addition scenario (Level 1)

Model addition situations with cubes. Use a different colored cubes for different colored objects. Then, the objects will be hidden. Find how many objects there are altogether by counting the cubes
Determine the number of objects represented by cubes in an addition scenario (Level 1)

Determine the number of objects represented by cubes in an addition scenario (Level 2)

Practice modeling with cubes. Listen to a description telling a number of objects and model the number of objects using cubes. Then, set up addition problems with sums to 5 by modeling the two addends with cubes
Determine the number of objects represented by cubes in an addition scenario (Level 2)

Determine the total of two groups of objects based on their representation in cubes

Use cubes to model an addition story problem. Then solve the problem by finding the total number of cubes
Determine the total of two groups of objects based on their representation in cubes

Topic D: Decontextualizing Subtraction Stories to Solve Using Fingers, Objects, and Drawings

Students move toward more abstract thinking by using cubes to represent real objects . They build understanding that the number of cubes represents the objects with 1:1 matching and can be used in determining totals in simple subtraction stories.