Curriculum>Grade 5> Module 4>Topic B: Fractions as Division
Learn the relationship between dividing a quantity and writing the amount as a fraction. Represent the division as a whole number of foods split between greater whole number of plates. The foods will be cut into the number of pieces represented by the pla
B. Rewrite division of whole numbers as a fraction and match a fraction to its related division equation
C. Relate division to fractions
D. Relate division to fractions greater than one
E. Divide and report the remainder as a fraction based on a model
F. Rename a fraction greater than one as a mixed number (Level 1)
G. Rename a fraction greater than one as a mixed number (Level 2)
H. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 1)
I. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 2)
J. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 3)
K. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 4)
L. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 5)