Curriculum>Grade 5> Module 4>Topic B: Fractions as Division
Solve a word problem that involves fractions using a model. Label the diagram with the given information. Rewrite the required division as a fraction. Then, use long division to change the fraction to a mixed number and answer the question
A. Rewrite division of whole numbers as a fraction based on a model
B. Rewrite division of whole numbers as a fraction and match a fraction to its related division equation
C. Relate division to fractions
D. Relate division to fractions greater than one
E. Divide and report the remainder as a fraction based on a model
F. Rename a fraction greater than one as a mixed number (Level 1)
G. Rename a fraction greater than one as a mixed number (Level 2)
H. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 1)
I. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 2)
J. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 3)
L. Solve fraction word problems based on a model (Level 5)